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词汇 as
释义 asUK:*'AS': /ˌeɪˈɛs/; 'as': strong: /ˈæz/, weak: /əz/US:/æz; unstressed əz/US:(adv., conj., pron., prep. az; unstressed əz; n. as)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 as adv (equally)一样地;同样地Bob is five feet ten and Janet is as tall.鲍勃身高五英尺十英寸,珍妮特刚好和他一样高。 as adv (considered to be)认为是;看作;当成He thinks of himself as a great photographer.他自认为是一名优秀的摄影师。 as adv (in the manner) (后接分词)按照,照…一样As promised, here are the books on Shakespeare.我遵照诺言,把写莎士比亚的书给你带来了。 as conj (in the same manner as)以…的方式;照…一样Do as I say, not as I do.照我说的做,不要照我做的做。usage: used as conjunctionsYou can use like, as, or the way as conjunctions when you are comparing one person's behaviour or appearance to another's. In the clause which follows the conjunction, the verb is usually do.For example, you can say ‘He walked to work every day, like his father had done’, ‘He walked to work every day, as his father had done’, or ‘He walked to work every day, the way his father had done’. I never behave like she does.They were people who spoke and thought as he did. Start lending things, the way people did in the war. as conj (while)正当;当…的时候As he was climbing the ladder, his hammer slipped from his belt.他正爬梯子时,锤子从腰带上滑了下去。usage: used in time clausesIf something happens as something else happens, it happens while the other thing is happening.She cried as she told her story.The play started as I got there.You also use as to say that something is done whenever something happens.Parts are replaced as they grow old.Be carefulDon't use ‘as’ simply to mean ‘at the time that’. For example, don't say ‘As I started work here, the pay was £20 an hour’. You say ‘When I started work here, the pay was £20 an hour’.➜ See when as conj (since, because)因为;由于I made you some coffee, as you don't like tea.因为你不喜欢喝茶,所以我给你准备了咖啡。 as conj (though)虽然;尽管Tired as I was, I carried on working till the sun came up.尽管我很累,不过我还是坚持工作直到日出。 as prep (function)作为;起…的作用Steve, Julie and I work well as a team.史蒂夫、朱莉和我团队配合工作得很好。 as prep (while being)在作为…期间As a teacher in a deprived area, Jenna had worked with a lot of troubled youngsters.在贫困地区当老师的期间,詹娜已经接触过许多问题青年。 其他翻译 as... as adv (expressing similarity or equality)像…一样This wine is as nice as that one. That joke is as old as the hills.这瓶酒和那一瓶一样好喝。那笑话简直跟我奶奶一样老。 as ... as, so ... as conj (correlative: such that) (表示比较)像…那样的,如同…一样He's not so clever as everyone thinks.他没有大家想象得那么聪明。usage: in comparisonsWhen you are comparing one person or thing to another, you can use as followed by an adjective or adverb followed by another as.The ponds were as big as tennis courts.I can't run as fast as you can. After these expressions, you can use either a noun phrase and a verb, or a noun phrase on its own. François understood the difficulties as well as Mark did.I can't remember it as well as you.If you use a personal pronoun on its own, it must be an object pronoun such as me or him. However, if the personal pronoun is followed by a verb, you must use a subject pronoun such as I or he.He looked about as old as me.You're as old as I am. 动词短语dress up as [sth/sb] vi phrasal (in costume)打扮成;装扮成My son likes to dress up as a pirate.我儿子喜欢打扮成海盗的样子。look on [sb] as [sth], look upon [sb] as [sth] vtr phrasal insep (regard, consider: as)把…视为;把…看成I always looked upon him as a brother.我总是把他视作兄弟。pass [sth/sb] off as [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (present falsely)把…冒充成He tried to pass himself off as an expert, but we could tell he didn't know much.他试图把自己冒充成专家,但我们看得出他只有一知半解。put [sb/sth] down as [sth] vtr phrasal sep (consider [sb/sth] to be [sth])认为…是,把…看作take over as [sth] vi phrasal + prep (take control, charge as [sth]) (职位等)接管;接手Tom took over as manager after Jim was fired.吉姆被解雇后,汤姆接任经理一职。复合形式: acclaim [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep often passive (praise, applaud)称许,称赞,赞扬;向…喝彩Critics acclaimed her as the greatest actress of the 20th century.评论家都称赞她为20世纪最伟大的女演员。 according as conj formal, dated (depending on whether)根据;视...而定Some days he carries an umbrella and some days he does not, according as it is forecast to rain. act as [sth/sb] vi + prep (perform function)担当;担任When they first met each other, it was her sister who acted as matchmaker.The man's trousers were held up by a bit of rope that was acting as a belt. address [sb], address [sb] as [sth] vtr (use a title) (头衔)称呼某人,用…来称呼某人"Your Holiness" is the correct way to address the Pope.“陛下”是对教皇的正确称呼。 also known as prep (alias)也称作;又名为Eva Perón, also known as Evita, was a controversial figure in Argentine politics. appear as though v expr (seem)看起来好像;看似It appears as though your father is having a mid-life crisis. appoint [sb] as [sth] vtr + prep (give a role, job)任命…为;指派…担任The board of directors appointed Mark as head of the party-planning committee.董事会任命马克为党委计划委员会主任。 as … as all get out, as all get out expr US (extremely)极其;非常What? That's silly as all get out! You can't grow bananas in the desert. as a bonus adv informal (in addition)作为意外收获We're going on a hike in the mountains today, and as a bonus we'll have a picnic. as a child adv (during childhood)童年时;小时候As a child, Fiona was scared of dogs but she later went on to become a vet. as a consequence adv (so, therefore)因此The boy failed his math test. As a consequence, he cannot visit his friends this weekend. as a friend adv (preface to giving advice) (告诉别人不好消息等时的开场白)作为朋友You know I say this as a friend, but I don't think that you should date him. as a general rule adv (usually)一般来说;通常情况下I don't eat meat as a general rule, but I make an exception for my mother's cooking.Sometimes I'm late, but as a general rule I always try to be on time. as a joke adv (for humorous effect)开玩笑Don't be upset, that comment was meant as a joke. as a matter of course expr (as part of normal routine)作为理所当然的事;自然地 as a matter of fact expr (in fact, on the contrary)事实上;实际上I'm not ignoring your brother; as a matter of fact, I invited him for dinner tonight.我不是在无视你弟弟,事实上,我还邀请他来吃今晚的晚餐。 as a matter of principle expr (on moral grounds)原则上,从原则上说 as a replacement for adv (as a substitute for)作为…的替代;代替Margarine is widely used as a replacement for butter. as a result adv (consequently)结果The little girl kept jumping in puddles, and as a result her new shoes were ruined.那个小女孩儿不停地在水坑里跳来跳去,结果她的新鞋子坏掉了。 as a result of expr (due to, because of)作为…的结果;由于,因为As a result of your disobedience, your parents punished you.由于你不听话,你的父母惩罚了你。 as a rule expr (usually)一般而言;通常来说As a rule, we go to bed early on weeknights. as a substitute for expr (to replace, instead of)作为…的替代;代替She used two cups of milk as a substitute for three eggs called for by the recipe. as a whole adv (all considered together)总体上Some students need to improve, but the class as a whole is very good.一些学生仍然需要进步,不过总体上这个班级的水平是很不错的。 as agreed adv (in the way decided)按照约定;依约 as agreed with [sb] expr (in the way decided with [sb])按照和…达成的合意 as always adv (as usual)一如既往;如往常一样As always, Sally was chatting up the Australians. as amended expr (changed)经修订的The document, as amended, shows that Mr. Smith is responsible for the damage. as an afterthought expr (do, add [sth]: afterwards, later)事后 as an alternative to [sth] prep (instead of)作为…的替代;代替Soy milk can be used as an alternative to cows' milk for some recipes. as anything, as ... as anything adv informal (perfectly, extremely)非常;极其 as at prep UK (at a particular time)截至…备注: Used in finance and accounting. as best you can adv (to the best of your ability)尽全力Muddle through as best you can, and we'll fix the mistakes later. as can be, as ... as can be expr (perfectly, extremely)非常;极其My sister's new baby is cute as can be.The children were excited as could be when their dad arrived home with a puppy. as compared with [sb/sth] expr (in comparison to)与…相比As compared with American English, British English seems more formal. as desired adv (however and whenever one wishes)按需,根据个人希望The potatoes may be peeled or left unpeeled, as desired.The light can be turned on or off as desired. as detailed below adv (in the way described further on)详情见后,如下详述Construction of your model airplane should be carried out as detailed below. as directed expr (following instructions)按照说明;按照指示 as distinct from expr (unlike, not)不像;与...不同 as ever adv (as is always the case)一如既往;如往常一样As ever, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.The bus was late, as ever! as ever, as ... as ever adv (as is always the case)一直;依旧I saw that comedian live recently and he was funny as ever. as expected adv (as was anticipated)如预期地As expected, all the crops withered because of the drought. as far afield as expr (as distant as)远至The conference attracted people from countries as far afield as Japan and South Africa. as far afield as expr (as unlike the subject as)极尽不同的 as far as prep (the same distance as)与…距离相同Our new grocery store is just as far as the old one.我们新开张的杂货铺与旧的那个距离相同。 as far as prep (all the way to)直到;远到I walked as far as the corner shop before realising I'd forgotten my purse.直到走到街边小店我才发现忘带了钱包。 as far as I am concerned, as far as I'm concerned adv (in my opinion)我认为备注: The contraction would normally be used in speech and informal writing. "I am..." is more formal.As far as I'm concerned, that was the best film of the year.我认为那是这一整年最好看的电影。 as far as I am concerned, as far as I'm concerned adv (as for me, as regards me)就我而言;对我来说;至于我备注: The contraction would normally be used in speech and informal writing. "I am..." is more formal.As far as I'm concerned, I never want to eat another fried alligator steak.至于我,是再也不想吃炸鳄鱼肉排了。 as far as I know adv (to my knowledge)据我所知;就我所知As far as I know, the bank approved the loan. The boss is in his office, as far as I know.据我所知,银行批准了那笔贷款。据我所知,老板在他的办公室里。 as far as it goes expr (to some extent)就现状来说,到目前为止This town is all right, as far as it goes, but there are probably better places to raise kids. as far as it goes expr (the end, last stop)就到这里,到终点Everyone get off the bus, this is as far as it goes! as far as possible adv (to the greatest possible extent)尽可能;尽量Please avoid cell phone usage as far as possible during your visit. as far back as prep (long ago)早在As far back as Cleopatra's time, sugaring has been used as a hair removal technique. as far back as prep (from a point in the past)可追溯到;可追溯至These cave paintings are believed to date as far back as 17,000 years. as follows adv (in the following way)如下;如下所示The instructions are as follows: 'Remove lid, drink coffee'.使用说明如下所示:“打开盖子,享受咖啡。” as for prep (with regard to)关于;至于As for this guy, I don't think he's going anywhere in life.至于这个家伙,我不认为他一生能有什么成就。 as for me adv (as far as I am concerned)至于我;就我来说;就我而言My husband is going to work. As for me, I will stay home and take care of the baby.我丈夫去上班了。至于我,我会待在家里照顾宝宝。 as from prep (starting on)从…起;自…起You'll need to arrive 10 minutes earlier as from tomorrow. as f*** adv vulgar, offensive, slang (extremely)极其;非常That guy over there is as cool as f***! as good as expr (of equal quality to)和…几乎一样好He is as good at maths as my brother. as good as expr (nearly; virtually)几乎已经I've worked all night on the picture and it's as good as finished. as good as it gets expr (the best circumstances)最多能做到,最好的情况是The smaller football teams have no chance of finishing top of the league, so winning one of the cup competitions instead is as good as it gets. as good as new expr (successfully repaired or restored)完好如新John fixed my bike and now it's as good as new! as good as they come expr (the best available)最好的 ... as heck, as ... as heck expr slang, euphemism (extremely)极其;非常 ... as hell, as ... as hell expr figurative, slang (extremely) (俚语)非常;极为;特别You can tell by Bruce's reaction that he is guilty as hell. as I see it adv (in my opinion)在我看来 as I was saying adv (to resume after interruption)正如我所说;正如我说的As I was saying before being interrupted, the lady of the house is not home. as if conj (as though)好像;仿佛He looked as if he wanted to say something.他看起来好像想要说些什么。usage: ‘as if’ and ‘as though’You can use as if or as though at the beginning of a clause when you are describing how someone or something looks, or how someone behaves.It's a wonderful item and in such good condition that it looks as though it was bought yesterday.He lunged towards me as if he expected me to aim a gun at him.Many people think it is incorrect to use ‘was’ in clauses of this type. They say you should use were instead.He looked at me as if I were mad.She remembered it all as if it were yesterday.However, in conversation people usually use was. The secretary spoke as though it was some kind of password.He gave his orders as if this was only another training exercise.You can use was or were in conversation, but in formal writing you should use were. as if interj informal (sceptical)说得好像和真的一样!You're going to help me clean the house? As if!说得好像你真的要帮我打扫房子一样! as if on cue, as though on cue expr (as though responding to a signal)似乎得到暗示;仿佛在暗示Tom was thinking about his mother when, as if on cue, she knocked on his front door. as if to say adv (in a way that suggests [sth])好像说;好像在说He nodded at her as if to say goodbye. as is adv (in its current state)照现状The TV is sold 'as is', there is no implicit nor explicit warranty. as is my wont adv formal (as usual, as is my habit)像往常一样;跟平时一样备注: as is his wont, as is her wont, etc. as it emerges adv (as has transpired)如其呈现的那样;如我们所见The truth, as it emerges, is far more complex than anyone could possibly have imagined. as it happens expr (surprisingly, as a matter of fact)偶然发生;恰巧 as it is adv colloquial (as the situation stands) (口语)照目前的状况来看,就当前的情况来看As it is, we'll be lucky to arrive before dark!就当前的情况来看,谢天谢地我们天黑之前能到! as it is adv (in its current state)以目前的状态;保持目前的状态We'll have to make do with the vehicle we have, as it is.以目前的状态,我们只好先将就一下我们现有的车辆了。 as it ought to be adj (correct, proper)像…本来应该的一样She completed her inspection and found that everything was as it ought to be.她完成了检查,发现所有东西都保持原本的模样。 as it ought to be adv (in an ideal state)按照…本来理想的状态;按照…本来应该成为的样子Her speech gave us a vision of the world as it ought to be. as it should be adj (correct, proper state)像…本来应该的一样The bus driver checked that everything was as it should be before switching on the engine.在启动引擎前,公交车司机确认所有都跟本来应该的一样。 as it should be adj (in a desirable state)按照…本来理想的状态;按照…本来应该成为的样子We felt that the hotel was not as good as it should be for the high price. as it turns out adv (as has transpired)后来发现;事实证明The candidate I offered the job to is, as it turns out, my boss's cousin! as it was expr (previous state)像原来的样子Harry preferred the room as it was, not with the new decor. as it were adv idiom (so to speak) (习语)可以说 as little as expr (a quantity as small as)和…一样少As little as 2 grammes of it is enough to kill you. as long as, so long as expr (providing that)只要I am happy, as long as the sun always comes back around.只要太阳还会升起,我就很开心。usage: used in conditionalsYou can use as long as or so long as to say that one thing is true only if another thing is true. For example, if you say ‘As long as you are under 16, you can take part in activities’, you mean ‘If you are under 16, you can take part in activities’. You use a simple form after as long as and so long as.We were all right as long as we kept quiet.The president need not resign so long as the elections are supervised. as long as, so long as expr (while)在…期间As long as you're living under my roof, you'll obey my rules, young lady!小姐,在你住在我家的这段期间,你就得遵守我的规则! as long as expr (equal in length to)与…一样长My garden is as long as a football pitch.我的花园与一块足球场一样长。 as long as your arm expr figurative, informal (very long)很长;长得要命 as luck would have it adv idiom (fortunately) (习语)碰巧,幸而,幸运的是As luck would have it, the bus was late too, so I managed to catch it after all. as luck would have it adv idiom, ironic (unfortunately)不巧地;不幸地As luck would have it, the strike started the day I was due to fly out on holiday. as many ... as adv (the same number as)与…一样多The Lakers had as many all-stars as the Bulls but still lost the game by 20 points.湖人队与公牛队有一样多的全明星球员,不过还是以20分的颓势输掉了这场比赛。 as many as adv (up to, a possible total of)多达On a good day, I have seen as many as 80 species of birds.天气好的时候,我见到过多达80种的鸟类。 as mentioned adv (as is referred to)如前所述 as much expr (the same thing)一样,同样So, you're pregnant. I thought as much.所以,你怀孕了。和我想的一样。 as much expr (an equal amount)等量;同等;同样Joe was praised for his work on the project, but I did just as much.乔因在这个项目的工作而受到了褒奖,但其实我做的并不比他少。 as much as [sb/sth] expr (the same amount as)像…一样多Nobody can eat as much as my brother!没有人能比我兄弟吃得更多! as much [sth] as [sb/sth] expr (an equal amount of)和...等量I can't eat as much cheese as my sister.我吃不了和姐姐等量的奶酪。 as much as expr (equally)和…程度相若; (指程度)和...一样I love you as much as I love your sister.我爱你就像爱你姐妹一样。 as much [sth] as expr (with clause: the same amount as)和...等量的事物I would love to earn as much money as you do.我也想挣和你一样多的钱。 as much as expr (with clause: even though)尽管As much as I love Mel Gibson, this movie is just too violent for me.虽然我很喜欢梅尔·吉布森,但是这部电影对我来说太暴力了。as much as possible expr (to greatest extent)尽可能地I try to exercise as much as possible.我要尽可能地多运动。as much as possible n (greatest amount)尽可能多地I always eat as much as possible at Thanksgiving dinner.我总是在感恩节晚宴上尽可能多地大吃特吃。as neat as a pin, as neat as a new pin, like a new pin expr (very neat and tidy)非常整洁;十分干净as necessary adv (according to what is needed)就所需;根据需要Apply the ointment to the wound as needed adv (according to what is necessary)根据需要地Take the pain medication as of prep (starting from)从…开始;自...起As of Monday, the office will be closed.从周一开始,售票厅将关闭。as of prep (on that day or date)在...时候As of Saturday, there were three bars of chocolate in that cupboard; now there's only one.As of 1 May last year, the number of complaints received was of late adv (recently, lately)近来;最近She has been acting unusually as of late. She hasn't eaten for four days nor slept for two of now adv (from this moment onwards)从现在开始As of now, you are no longer welcome in my house.从现在开始,我的房子不再欢迎你。as of now adv (at this moment)目前;此刻As of now, we have collected nearly 80% of the funds we need to complete the project.目前,我们已经收集了完成这个项目所需资金的近80%。as of today expr (presently)目前,截至今天As of today, the company's sales are often as not adv (in about half of all instances)通常情况;半数情况下I don't know if he will be here today. He shows up as often as often as you like adv informal (whenever you wish)想多频繁就多频繁Come and visit me as often as you often as you wish adv (whenever you want)愿意多少次就多少次;随时都可以Feel free to stop by my office as often as you one adv (together, in unison)一齐;同时The bride and groom stepped out of the church as one adv (in agreement)一致The committee members agreed as one to approve the opposed to conj (in contrast to)而非;而不是;不要I prefer old houses as opposed to new ones.我喜欢老房子,不喜欢新房子。as ordered adv (according to an order placed)根据所下的订单The waiter brought the customers their meal as ordered adv (according to an instruction given)根据命令;遵命You will show up in full uniform at 5 in the morning, as part of [sth] prep (in the wider context)作为…的一部分As part of a school project, we must write and perform a short play.作为学校项目的一部分,我们必须自编自演一出短剧。as part of [sth] prep (as a member)作为…的一份子;做为…的成员As part of a team, you must be able to work together with other people.作为团队的一份子,你必须要能与他人合作共事。as per prep (in accordance with)按照;根据As per your request, I have included the necessary information in this memo.按照你的要求,我已经把必要的信息写在这个便笺里了。as per request, per request adv (in accordance with a request)按照要求;根据要求as plain as a pikestaff expr UK, informal (very obvious)极其清楚;清清楚楚as plain as a pikestaff expr UK, informal (not attractive)单调;乏味as promised adv (according to a promise made)如所保证As promised, I've brought the money to repay you for the proxy for expr (in place of)作为…的代表;替代;代替I am authorized to vote as proxy for Aunt Sadie at the shareholder's meeting.我被授权代表萨蒂阿姨在股东会上投票。as quickly as possible adv (as fast as can be done)尽快You should get tickets as quickly as possible, the show you want to see is very regards prep (with respect to)关于;至于As regards your letter of January 1, I can no longer provide you with my legal services.关于你1月1日的来信,我不能再继续为你提供法律服务了。as requested adv (as was asked for)按照要求;依照要求as required adv (according to what is needed)按需要;按照要求Add seasoning, as seen on TV expr (as advertised on television)正如电视上看到的;如电视宣传的那样as shown expr (as illustrated)如其所示;如图所示As shown in the graph below, sales have sly as a fox adj (devious, cunning)如狐狸般狡猾Reynard was as sly as a fox as he wheedled his way into the hen soon as conj (the moment that)一…就I will pay for your ticket as soon as you make the reservation.你一订好票我就付你钱。as soon as possible adv (as early as is feasible)尽早地;尽快地It's imperative that I speak with you as soon as possible.我有必要尽早与你谈谈。as such adv (as a result, thus)以这种身份,以这种资格;本身,就其本身而言The family in Sweden is extremely important and, as such, children's rights are very well protected.家庭在瑞典极为重要,因此儿童的权利得到很好的保护。as such adv (exactly, per se)确切地说;准确地说The restaurant doesn't have a gluten-free menu as such, but they have salads and other dishes without wheat.确切地说,这家餐厅没有不含麸质的料理,不过他们有沙拉和其他材料中不含小麦的菜品。as the case may be adv (whatever the actual situation)看情形而定,视情况而定as the crow flies expr (in a straight line)笔直地As the crow flies, I live only 200 meters from your the next man, as the next woman, as the next person expr (just as much as anyone else)和平常人一样;跟别人一样as the saying goes adv (as is commonly said)老话说得好;如谚语所说As the saying goes, you can't have your cake and eat it, too!正如老话所说,鱼和熊掌不可兼得。as the story goes expr (as has been said)据说As the story goes, Hector was out of town when the bank was they say adv (as is commonly said)据说As they say, "It takes one to know one."as things stand expr (in terms of the current situation)以当前的形势;以当前的情况As things stand, the team is unlikely to win the though conj (as if)好像;仿佛Jeff was staggering along the path as though he was drunk.杰夫沿着小道蹒跚而行,就好像喝醉了。usage: ‘as if’ and ‘as though’You can use as if or as though at the beginning of a clause when you are describing how someone or something looks, or how someone behaves.It's a wonderful item and in such good condition that it looks as though it was bought yesterday.He lunged towards me as if he expected me to aim a gun at him.Many people think it is incorrect to use ‘was’ in clauses of this type. They say you should use were instead.He looked at me as if I were mad.She remembered it all as if it were yesterday.However, in conversation people usually use was. The secretary spoke as though it was some kind of password.He gave his orders as if this was only another training exercise.You can use was or were in conversation, but in formal writing you should use time goes by expr (as circumstances change)随着时光流逝Sometimes, as time goes by, people's interests and tastes to prep formal (with reference to, regarding) (正式用语)至于,关于As to your request, I'm afraid I have to say no.至于你的请求,恐怕我得回绝它。as usual adv (in the habitual way)和平时一样;照常Jane walked down the street as usual, unaware that something was about to change her life forever.简和平时一样沿街走着,并不知道马上就会有永远地改变她一生的事情发生。as we speak adv informal (at this moment)就在我们说话的时候,就在此刻as well adv (also)也,又;同样地,完全有理由地;还不如William invited not only Sue to the party, but her sister as well.威廉姆不仅邀请了苏参加派对,也邀请了她的姐姐。usage: ‘as well’As well always goes at the end of a clause.Filter coffee is better for your health than instant coffee. And it tastes nicer as well.They will have a difficult year next year as well as conj (in addition to)除…之外(也);与…(程度)一样Our neighbor brought cake as well as juice for everyone.我们的邻居除蛋糕外还给各位带来了果汁。usage: linking noun phrasesIf you say that something is true of one person or thing as well as another, you are emphasizing that it is true not only of the second person or thing but also of the first one.Women, as well as men, have the right to with prep (as in the case of)正如…;与…一样As with any grammar rule, there are a lot of yet adv (so far)至今;至今为止As yet, I haven't had anything published, but I still consider myself a you know expr (you are already aware)正如你所知;你知道的As you know, the building will be demolished on you like, as ... as you like expr informal (very, extremely)随你喜欢;只要你喜欢as you may know expr (you probably already know this)你或许已经知道as you please adv (as you wish, whatever you wish)你喜欢怎样就怎样;按照你的意愿You've finished your work. Now you're free to do as you you say adv (I agree that)如您所说As you say, that spaghetti is delicious!as you will adv archaic (expressing obedience: as you wish) (古语)如您所愿You may do as you will, but that does not mean your actions will be you wish adv (certainly, of course)悉听尊便We will be sure to arrange everything as you wish.ASAP, A.S.A.P., asap, a.s.a.p. adv acronym (as soon as possible)尽快;越快越好备注: Most commonly used in American English as an acronym, and in British English as an initialismPlease send your reply to the following address ASAP.assign [sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (categorize [sth])把...列为;把...归属于The councilman assigned the upcoming campaign as the top priority.议员把即将开展的活动列为重中之重。at the same time as prep (concurrent)与此同时;当…的时候at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb/sth] adv (available for your use)供你自由使用;由你自由支配I'll leave the computer at your disposal.我会把电脑留给你,供你自由使用。at [sb]'s disposal, as the disposal of [sb] adv (person: available to serve you)随时为您服务;随时听候您的差遣Once I finish this work I will be at your disposal.一旦我做完这个工作,就随时听候您的差遣。attach [sb] as [sth] vtr often passive (officially appoint)指派…为;任命…为They attached Melinda as a security officer for the department.他们指派梅琳达为该部门的安全长官。be that as it may expr (despite [sth])尽管如此;即便如此The weather forecast says there will be heavy rain tomorrow. Be that as it may, we will not cancel the open-air the same as [sth/sb] vtr (be identical to)与…相同The blouse that I wore was the same as my sister's. Christmas dinner was the same as always: ham, potatoes, and salad.我穿的衬衫与我姐妹的相同。圣诞晚餐一直以来都一样:火腿、土豆和色拉。bemused as to expr (confused about)对...困惑备注: Followed by why, how, etc.I'm bemused as to why you invited Chris to the party; I thought you hated him.bill [sth] as vtr (advertise)宣传;推广The band was billed as the next as night, as black as night adj (totally dark)漆黑的;伸手不见五指的It was black as night in the as night, as black as night adj (black in color) (颜色)黑色的,墨黑的The cat's fur was black as night.blind as a bat, as blind as a bat adj informal (sightless, unable to see)什么都看不见的,跟瞎子一样的bold as brass, as bold as brass adj informal (daring, very confident)大胆的;极度自信的bone dry, bone-dry, dry as a bone adj (extremely dry, parched)全干的;干透的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounbrand [sb] [sth], brand [sb] as [sth] vtr (stigmatise)将…指责为;将…抹黑为Because of his radical views, he was branded a revolutionary.由于他激进的观点,人们称他为革命者。business as usual n figurative (normality) (比喻)照常营业,一切如常It was business as usual in the City of London as million-pound bonuses were paid.catch-as-catch-can adj (using whatever method, material possible)用尽一切办法的,抓住一切机会的catch-as-catch-can n historical (type of wrestling)自由式摔跤categorize [sth/sb] as [sth], also UK: categorise [sth/sb] as [sth] v expr (define, describe [sth], [sb] as [sth])将…分类Based on Eli's fashion, we categorized him as an outdoors type.characterize [sth] as [sth], also UK: characterise [sth] as [sb] vtr + prep (depict, portray [sth])描绘…的特征;将…的特征描绘为The mood in the debate could be characterised as hostile.class [sth/sb] as [sth] vtr + prep (classify as)把…列入某类;给…分类I would class him as studious but shy.我会将归类为用功学习但却害羞的学生。clear as a bell, as clear as a bell adj (sound: perfectly clear)十分清楚的;极为清晰的clear as day, as clear as day adj (visible, easy to see)一清二楚的Despite the police spokesman's denial, the onlooker's video showed the policeman's unprovoked aggression, as clear as day.clear as day, as clear as day adj figurative (obvious, easy to understand)清清楚楚的,一看就懂的It was clear as day to me that the Prime Minister had no intention of honouring his promises.总理根本不想兑现承诺,这点对我来说一目了然。clueless as to [sth] adj informal (not knowing [sth])无知的,什么都不知道的I'm clueless as to what to do next.我对接下去要做什么一无所知。cold as ice adj (very cold)冰冷的The sodas from the vendor on the beach were as cold as ice.come across as [sth] v expr (give certain impression)留下…的印象I don't know Emily very well, but she comes across as an intelligent girl.我不太了解艾米丽,但是她给我留下了聪明女孩的印象。come as a shock v expr (news: be unexpected)让人意外;出人意料到来Since you are always late to work, it should not come as a shock that you would get fired.come as a surprise v expr (be unexpected)没想到;出人意外The letter offering me a job came as a total surprise.Come as you are v expr (no dress code)随便穿就好;穿平时的衣服What should I wear to the party? Just come as you are.cute as a button adj informal (very sweet, adorable) (人)非常可爱的The little girl next door is cute as a button, with her blond curls and her button nose.dead as a doornail, as dead as a doornail adj UK, informal (no longer alive) (非正式用语)死透了deem [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep formal (view as)认为,将…视为The defence deemed the judge's verdict as very unfair.辩方认为法官的裁决非常不公。disguise [sth/sb] as [sth/sb] vtr (alter appearance)将…假扮成,将…装扮成,将…伪装成The army disguised the soldiers as ordinary villagers.部队将士兵伪装成普通村民。disguised as [sth] adj (pretending to be)伪装成…;假装成…The FBI agent showed up disguised as an interested buyer.dismiss [sb] as [sth] vtr + prep (disregard, not take seriously)把(某人)当做不需要严肃对待的...The police dismissed the caller as a time-waster.警察认为打电话来的人就是在浪费他的时间,于是草草打发了事。dismiss [sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (disregard, not take seriously)把(某事)当做不需要严肃对待的...At first the editor dismissed the story as a rumor.最初,编辑把这条新闻当成了谣言,没把它当回事儿。do as you please v expr (do whatever you wish to do)随意;随便;随便After you've finished that task you may do as you duty as [sth] v expr (substitute for [sth])代班double as [sth] vi + prep (do in addition)兼任;兼做The director doubles as an actor in this movie.dull as dishwater, as dull as dishwater, dull as ditchwater, as dull as ditchwater adj informal (boring, uninteresting)枯燥无趣的;索然无味的easy as pie, as easy as pie adj informal (very easy)简单得很,再简单不过; (比喻性说法)小菜一碟,不在话下When you've done it a few times, it's easy as pie.EFL n initialism (English as a Foreign Language) (English as a Foreign Language的缩写形式)作为外国语言的英语Laurie taught EFL in South Korea for two years.elect [sb] as [sth] vtr (appoint by voting)选举Voters elected the retired principal as mayor of their city.English as a Second Language n (school subject)作为第二语言的英语;非母语英语课程Louise has a diploma in teaching English as a Second Language.enlighten [sb] as to [sth] v expr figurative (explain or clarify to)使...明白...;使...清楚...The manager asked his staff to enlighten him as to what exactly was involved in the project.enlighten [sb] as to [sth] v expr figurative (inform)告诉;介绍清楚I wonder if you could enlighten me as to the best way to get to Oxford Street?equally as adv non-standard (to the same degree)同样地;同等地Effort can help you succeed, but luck is equally as important.努力可以助你成功,不过运气也同样重要。ESL n initialism (English as a Second Language) (缩写)非母语英语教学;英语作为第二语言every bit as adj informal (equally, just as)与…完全一样的fit as a fiddle, as fit as a fiddle adj informal (physically healthy)身体很好的,健康的flat as a pancake adj informal (without any curves or bumps)扁平的;平坦入镜的forasmuch as conj (since)鉴于;既然;由于Forasmuch as you gave written permission earlier, you cannot protest as a bird adj informal (really free)自由自在;无拘无束When this school year is over, I'll be free as a as a cucumber (UK), as cool as a cucumber (UK), fresh as a cucumber (US) adj informal (calm and relaxed)沉着冷静的,镇定自若的fresh as a daisy, as fresh as a daisy adj (vibrant, full of energy)朝气勃勃的;神采奕奕的function as [sth] vtr (perform the role of)起...的作用I was the oldest of the 12 children so when our parents died I had to function as the head of the family.give as a pretext vtr (make an excuse of)以…为借口;以…为托词She gave being tired as a pretext for escaping from the boring party.go down as [sth] v expr (be remembered as)作为,是,被视为That's going to go down as one of the greatest mistakes a politician has ever made.had as lief, would as lief v expr archaic (would prefer to)宁可做某事Marry that varlet? I had as lief marry the ass in yonder meadow.hail [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (acknowledge as)认为…是This latest piece of technology is being hailed as the answer to all our problems.这项最新技术被誉为我们所有问题的答案。half as large as expr (half the size of)有...的一半大The skull of this primitive human ancestor was nearly half as large as that of modern humans.half as many again, half again as many expr (50 percent more)超过百分之五十;多出一半half as many again as, half again as many as expr (50 percent more than)比...多一半;超过...百分之五十half as much n (50 percent of)…的一半I'll have half as much of the pie as he has.half as much expr (50 percent less)少一半The coat cost half as much on sale.hard as nails adj (tough, durable)结实的I can't crack the ice, it is as hard as nails.hard as nails adj ([sb]: tough, without sympathy)铁石心肠的;冷酷无情的Don't expect any sympathy from him, he is as hard as as hell expr figurative, informal (extremely hot)热死人;极度炎热Can someone open a window? It's hot as hell in here!hot as hell expr figurative, slang (person: very sexy)超级性感;极度诱惑Of course I'd go on a date with Paul--he's hot as hell!identify as [sb/sth], self-identify as [sb/sth] v expr (consider as your identity)自我认同为;认为自己是A person who identifies as non-binary may use the pronoun "they".认同自己是非二位性别的人可以使用“they”作为人称代词。in the same way as, the same way as expr (similarly to)与…同样的方式I tried to paint the sunflowers in the same way as Van your capacity as prep (in your given role) (指角色或职位)作为;以...的身份inasmuch as, insomuch as conj (to the extent that, in that)就..而言;因为They were rivals inasmuch as they had both published works on the subject.The rules - inasmuch as they exist at all - are generally ignored.他们都发表过有关这个课题的文章,所以他们是竞争对手。就其存在,这些规则常常被忽略。inquire as to whether/when/how/who/what, enquire as to whether/when/how/who/what vtr formal (with clause: ask)询问I am writing to inquire as to whether your company has any vacancies.我来信是想询问贵公司是否有职位空缺。insofar as, also UK: in so far as conj (to the extent that, in that)在…范围内;在…程度内Both ideas, insofar as they can be called 'ideas', are equally preposterous.insomuch as, inasmuch as conj (to the extent that)至…的限度I will contribute to the Community Translation project insomuch as I am able.just as conj (at the moment when)正在…的时候;正当The telephone rang just as I was getting into my bath.正在我入浴的时候,电话响了。just as conj (in the same way that)正如…;正像…一样Just as you have rights, so too you have responsibilities.正像你享有权利一样,你同时也承担义务。just as well expr (to equal standard)恰好;正好just as well expr informal (fortunate)幸好It's just as well I retired before they changed all the duties of my job.know [sb] as [sth/sb], know [sb] to be [sth/sb] vtr (perceive)知道某人是;确知某人是I know her as a woman of integrity.known as prep (called)被…认为是;被叫做;被称为Elvis Presley, known as the King of Rock and Roll, was born in 1935.被认为是摇滚之王的艾维斯·普里斯利出生于1935年。label [sth] as [sth] vtr + conj (mark: as [sth])将标记…为;标示…为This shirt is labelled as "Large".label [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + conj figurative (classify)把…归类为;将…分类为;把…列为The police have labelled him a radical.light as a feather, as light as a feather adj (weighing very little)轻若鸿毛;轻如鸿毛be like two peas in a pod, be as alike as two peas in a pod v expr figurative (identical to one another)长得一模一样The two little girls were as alike as two peas in a as husband and wife v expr (cohabit as a couple)同居;夫妻共同生活They might as well be married; they've been living for years as husband and wife.looked upon as [sth] expr (regarded as)被认为是;被看作是looked upon as being [sth] expr (regarded as being)被认为是;被看作是mad as a box of frogs expr UK, informal (crazy, insane)完全疯了;太疯狂了mad as a hatter adj (insane, crazy)疯狂;疯Don't believe anything he says – he's mad as a hatter.make as if to do [sth], make as though to do [sth] v expr informal (pretend, feint)假装做某事;佯装做某事He made as if to throw the ball, but he actually ran with it instead.make so bold as to do [sth], be so bold as to do [sth] v expr formal (dare to do)敢于;擅自mark as [sth] v expr (indicate to be)标记为Entries marked as "private" are not visible to other users.masquerade as [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (person: pretend to be)假装是;伪装成The police officer masqueraded as a prostitute in order to arrest customers.警察为了抓捕嫖客而伪装成了一名妓女。masquerade as [sth] vi + prep (be disguised as [sth] else)伪装成We were served a meal of mutton masquerading as lamb.might as well, may as well v expr (have no reason not to)最好;不妨;莫如I might as well go with you.我最好和你一起去。might as well, may as well v expr (would be the same)就像;就像是It might as well be winter, with all this cold wet weather we're having.我们这儿一天天的湿冷天气,就像身处冬季一般。misrepresent [sth/sb] as [sth] vtr + prep (portray inaccurately as)歪曲;不准确的描述The politician misrepresented himself as a humanitarian, when he was actually a warmonger.much as conj (in the same way as)同…一样He was scrabbling away at the earth, much as a dog buries a bone.much as conj (as much as: however much)尽管;虽然Much as I like James as a friend, I could never date him.nice as pie, as nice as pie adj (person: pleasant, kind)招人喜欢的;讨喜的not as it seems adj (deceptive)并不是表面这样的The situation is not as it seems.officially recognize [sth/sb] as [sth], also UK: officially recognise [sth/sb] as [sth] v expr (confer specific legal status)将…正式承认为British Sign Language was officially recognised as a language of the UK in 2003.old as the hills adj informal (very old, ancient) (非正式用语)非常古老的,老掉牙的That legend is as old as the hills.old as time, as old as time adj (very ancient)年代久远的;古老的;陈年的The natives claimed that the spirits there were old as time.out [sb] as [sth] vtr slang (reveal or expose: as [sth])泄露,透露The speaker outed him as the author of the controversial report.parade as [sth] vi + prep figurative (masquerade as)装扮成;假扮成;伪装成pay as you go n (prepaid mobile phone use) (电话付费方法)手机预充值消费备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounpay as you go, pay-as-you-go adj (debts paid as they are incurred)即付的;即时还款的pay as you go v expr (pay debts as they are incurred)即付;即时还款peg [sb] as [sth] vtr + prep informal, figurative (identify: [sb] as [sth])把…认定成Dorothy pegged Alan as a busybody.pigeonhole [sb/sth] as [sth], also UK: pigeon-hole [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep figurative (categorize as)轻率分类;主观划分;贸然归类The media pigeonholed the demonstrators as "communists and anarchists."媒体将示威者一股脑地归为“共产主义者和无政府暴徒”。place [sb] in [sth], place [sb] as [sth] vtr (appoint)任命...为;指定...为;委派...做They placed him as head of the new sales team.plain as day, as plain as day adj informal (obvious)一清二楚After that fall, the bumps on his head were plain as day.pleased as Punch adj informal (extremely satisfied)非常快乐的;非常满足的I was pleased as punch when I found my shoes.pose as [sth/sb] vi + prep (pretend to be)假装;佯作;佯装Charlie isn't really a pilot; he's just posing as one.Julie posed as her sister Emma to try to get access to Emma's bank accounts.position [sth/sb] as [sth] vtr (product, business: identify as) (产品等)将...定位为The chef is positioning his new restaurant as a gourmet dining venue.The company is positioning its product as this season's must-have gadget.position [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (regard or portray as)将...定位为;将...表现为Traditional fairy tales often position the stepmother as a villain.pretty as a picture adj (girl: sweetly attractive)非常美丽;优美如画Sophie looks as pretty as a picture in her new dress.qualify as [sth] vi + prep (pass exams for: a job)能够胜任,有资格担任Evelyn has qualified as a plumber.伊芙琳已经能够胜任水管工的工作。rate [sth] [sth], rate [sth] as [sth] vtr (film, etc.: classify)对(影片等)分级; (电影等)将...分为...级The board rated the movie "R."委员会将电影分为R级。rate [sb/sth] [sth], rate [sb/sth] as [sth] vtr (be ranked)分级;排名He rates second in the world.他在全球排名第二。rebrand, rebrand [sth], rebrand [sth] as [sth] vtr (market under a new image)重塑品牌;重塑形象The auto company rebranded their luxury car into an economical one.recast [sth] as [sth] vtr (represent in a new way)改写The author wished to recast the novel as a movie.refer to [sb] as [sth] v expr (call: [sb] [sth])把某人称作People refer to Emily as "The Queen" because she always gets her way.因为艾米丽总是随心所欲,所以人们称她为“女王大人”。regard [sb] as [sth] vtr + prep (look upon)看待;视为He regarded him as a hero.他把他视为英雄。regard [sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (think of)看成;认为She regards it as an exception to the rule.她认为那是超出常规的。replace [sb], replace [sb] as [sth] vtr ([sb]: in job, position) (工作中)取代;替换;代替Joyce has replaced Carl as finance director.乔伊斯取代卡尔成为了财务总监。right as rain adj informal (in perfect condition)状态极佳的;非常健康的After a good night's sleep I felt as right as rain.We'll give the engine a tune-up, and it should be right as rain afterwards.the same as expr (saying two things are similar)与…一样,与…相同Withholding the truth is the same as lying.隐瞒事实与说谎是相同的性质。Save as v expr (computer file: copy) (电脑文件)另存为Choose the "Save as" option and save the file under a new name.see [sb] as [sth] v expr (consider [sb] to be [sth])把某人视为, 认为某人是The students see their teacher as a role model.学生将老师视为行为榜样。seeing, seeing that, seeing as conj (considering, given that) (连词)由于…,鉴于…Seeing I won't be here, why don't you chair next week's meeting?鉴于我不能到场,为什么不能由你来主持下周的会议呢?seeing as how conj informal (considering, given that)鉴于;既然Seeing as how the wedding is only days away, we need to finish making the decorations as quickly as possible.serve as [sth] vi + prep (person: act as) (职务)作为;担任He served as the secretary for this meeting and took notes.他担任本次会议的秘书,并做了记录。serve, serve as vi (spend time: in a duty)履行职责;担任职务I served as a medic for ten years.我担任了十年医师。serve as [sth] vi + prep (function as)当作;作为The office also serves as a guest bedroom.办公室也可作为客房。serve as an example v expr (demonstrate what is expected)成为例证The team's defeat serves as an example of what can happen if the players become as a tack adj informal (intelligent, quick witted)思维敏捷的;聪明的sick as a parrot adj UK, humorous, dated, slang (very disappointed)病得很重;得了重病simple as ABC, easy as ABC adj informal (straightforward)易如反掌Learning how to make popcorn at home is simple as ABC.slippery as an eel, as slippery as an eel expr (very physically slippery)滑溜slippery as an eel, as slippery as an eel expr (evasive, hard to understand, elusive)非常狡猾;非常滑头;油头滑脑so as to expr (in order to)为了So as not to be late, Jerry left the house early.为了不迟到,杰瑞很早就出门了。so bold as to adj (daring enough to do [sth])胆敢;竟然敢Anna was so bold as to question her manager's decision to his far as conj (as far as, in as much as)就…而言;到…程度;在…范围内So far as I know, everything's still going well on the project.在我的认知范围内,该项目一切仍进展顺利。so much as adv (even)甚至;即便;即使Cross that line by so much as a hair and you'll see what anger much as adv (merely, no more than)只;仅仅;只不过soft as a feather adj (very soft to the touch)羽毛般柔软的;超轻柔的sound as though, sound as if v expr (would seem)好像;仿佛;似乎It sounds as though you could do with a vacation!听起来好像是你亟需休假!sound as a bell, as sound as a bell adj informal (person: healthy, unharmed)健康的;健壮的sound as a bell, as sound as a bell adj informal (thing: in perfect condition)完好无损的straight as a ramrod expr (person, posture: upright)笔挺的;挺直的straight as an arrow adj informal (direct, unwavering) (非正式用语)像箭杆一样直,挺拔His concentration was straight as an arrow.straight as an arrow adj slang (honest, not criminal) (俚语)正直的,循规蹈矩的strike [sb] as [sth] vtr + conj (give the impression)给人以…的印象;让…觉得His attitude really struck me as strange.strike [sb] as [sth] v expr (give the impression)给…留下…的印象Greg's story strikes me as an exaggeration.格雷格的故事给我留下了夸张的印象。such as prep (for instance)像…那样的;诸如She has lots of good qualities, such as intelligence and wit.她有许多好的品质,诸如聪颖、智慧。such as adj (of that character)那样的;有那样特点的All the boys want to meet a girl such as her.所有的男孩都想认识她那样的女孩。such as adj (similar, like)诸如此类的It was a helmet, such as football players wear.那是一顶诸如橄榄球运动员会戴的那类头盔。sure as hell adv slang (definitely, certainly)绝对肯定;毫无疑问Whenever I bake cookies, sure as hell Jim will show up. I sure as hell don't want to eat here anymore – there's mould on my bread!sweet as honey adj (very sugary)甜如蜜的These cupcakes are as sweet as honey!sweet as honey adj figurative (adorable, very cute)可爱的Your innocent face was as sweet as honey the very first time I met you.tag [sb] as [sth/sb] vtr + conj (identify: as) (比喻)给某人贴上…的标签;把某人叫作…At an early age, Karen's teachers tagged her as a troublemaker.小时候,凯伦的老师管她叫小捣蛋鬼。tar [sb] with the same brush, tar [sb] with the same brush as [sb/sth] v expr (attribute same faults to)一竿子打翻一船人;认为某人(与其他人)是一丘之貉I know he's an awful person, but don't tar me with the same brush just because he's my brother!TESL n initialism (Teaching English as a Second Language)作为第二语言的英语教学that's as may be interj (even so)即便这样There is no such thing as a free lunch expr (Everything has a cost)天下没有免费的午餐I had to pay taxes on the free gift. Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch.thick as a brick, as thick as a brick, as thick as two planks v expr informal (lack intelligence)笨得像榆木疙瘩The new employee is thick as a brick.thick as thieves, as thick as thieves adj (very close friends)亲密无间的thick as two short planks, as thick as two short planks expr UK, informal, pejorative (very stupid)笨得像木头;太笨think of [sth/sb] as [sth] v expr (consider to be)认为;当作;判定I think of him as my friend.我把他当作朋友。twice as adv (double, two times more)是…的两倍,…一倍Tom is twice as nice as his brother.twice as long expr (double the time)两倍时间;两倍时长It takes twice as long to get to the other side of town in rush hour.twice as much n (double the amount)两倍;双倍I've decided to give twice as much to charity this year.twice as much expr (double the amount of [sth])两倍的;双倍的It can take twice as much effort to make dinner without a stove.typecast [sb] as [sth] vtr + conj (stereotype [sb]) (演员)选…反复扮演…角色The actress's appearance in several action movies early in her career has typecast her as a soldier.use [sth/sb] as [sth] vtr + conj (put to a certain purpose)把…用作…,用…作为…The adder uses its tail as a lure.蝰蛇把它的尾巴用作诱饵。view [sth] as [sth] vtr + prep (regard in some way)把…看作…,把…视为…,认为…是…The government viewed the latest scandal as a disaster.政府把最近一次丑闻看作是一场灾难。view as [sth] vtr (consider to be)视作;视为I view your shortcomings as a challenge.When in Rome ..., When in Rome, do as the Romans do expr (act according to local customs)入乡随俗white as a sheet adj informal, figurative (pale: from shock, fright, etc.) (非正式用语,比喻)面如白纸的,极苍白的You look like you've seen a ghost – you're white as a sheet!white as snow adj (extremely white)雪白的My grandmother had a quilt on her bed that was white as as [sth] vi + prep (make a living as)任…职;做…的工作Right now I am working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, but I want to be an actress.眼下,我在一家鸡尾酒吧做服务员的工作,不过,我的梦想是成为一名演员。work as a team v expr (co-operate)团队合作If we work as a team we'll finish much sooner.would as soon, had as soon, would sooner, would just as soon v aux (would rather)宁可write [sth] off as [sth], write off [sth] as [sth] v expr (record as total loss)把…减记为…If someone owes you money and they do not pay it, you can cancel the debt and write it off as a loss for your business.如果有人欠你钱且没有偿还,你可以抵销债务,将它作为你生意的损失。write [sb] off as [sth], write off [sb] as [sth] v expr figurative, informal (consider a failure)把…看作Alison's teachers had written her off as a failure.艾莉森的老师将她视作是失败者。




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