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词汇 area
释义 areaUK:*/ˈɛəriə/US:/ˈɛriə/ ,(âr′ē ə)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 area n (section) (房间、建筑)区,场地,地方There was a tennis court in an area of the lawn behind the house.房后草地上有一个网球场。 area n (tract, region)区域;地区There was an area of woodland alongside the river.沿着这条河有一片林地。 area n (open space)场地;地区;区域There are formal parks and other green areas around the city.城市里到处是井然有致的公园和绿地。 area n (measurement of a shape, etc.)面积The area of the flowerbed was thirty square feet.The teacher asked her students to calculate the area of the triangle.花圃的面积是30平方英尺。// 老师让学生们计算三角形的面积。 其他翻译 area n figurative (scope)工作范围;领域I am a lawyer, but civil law is not my area. area n figurative (field of study)研究领域Her studies were in the area of Indo-European languages. area n (building lot) (建筑等的)场地The area was full of busy bricklayers and carpenters.建筑场地充满了忙碌的砖瓦匠和木匠。 area n (geographical region) (地理)地区,地带,地理位置Our house is in a nice area.我们家所在的位置很好。 area (UK), areaway (US) n (space around outside of basement)地下室前的空地,采光井The Georgian house has wrought-iron railings around the area. 复合形式: area code n (phone number: regional prefix)电话区号To make a long distance call, you need to dial the area code before the phone number. area of concentration n (zone of highest incidence)集中区域,集中地区 area of concentration n US (education: field of study) (教育)专门研究领域His area of concentration at the Kennedy School of Government was the Middle East. area of low pressure n (meteorology)低压区;低气压区A stationary area of low pressure over the Great Lakes has brought us a week of rain and fog. area rug n (carpet: covers part of floor)小地毯 bagging area n UK (part of checkout machine)装袋区;打包处 Bay Area n (area around San Francisco, USA) (加州北部的一个大都会区)旧金山湾区Though not the largest city in the Bay Area, San Francisco is its cultural and financial center. bleed area n (printing: outside margin) (裁切印刷品而保留的位置)出血区In order to make the cover full color, edge to edge, we need to make a bleed area of 3 picas. blighted area n (town, region: not prospering) (城镇、地区)衰败的地方,不发达地带Large portions of Michigan have become blighted areas due to the recession. blighted area n (plant: diseased part) (植物)枯萎的枝叶 built-up area n (area with a lot of buildings)建筑物密集地区The park provides a green space in the built-up area of the city. catchment area n (area within a local boundary)入学区;就医区Charles was so desperate to get his children into St. Mungo's that he bought a house in the catchment area. catchment area n (drainage basin)集水区;排水区 depressed area n (poor region)贫困地区The EU has a regional policy to give help to depressed areas. deprived area n (poverty-stricken place)贫困地区The area of Mexico just south of the San Diego border crossing is a severly deprived area. dining area n (room, hall for meals)餐饮区Although people are allowed to smoke in the bar, the dining area of the restaurant is smoke-free. disaster area n (site of a major catastrophe)灾区,受灾地区 disaster area n figurative, informal (disastrous thing, place)一片狼藉,一团糟 disaster area, walking disaster n figurative, informal, humorous (clumsy or unfortunate person) (比喻义:人)灾星,扫把星 free port, free port area, free zone n (area open to commercial vessels)自由港区,保税区 free trade area, free trade zone n (country: unrestricted commerce)自由贸易区The purpose of NAFTA is to make North America a free trade area. goal area n (sport: zone surrounding the goal) (运动)球门区The foul was committed in the goal area and resulted in a penalty. gray area (US), grey area (UK) n (uncertain, unclear issue)灰色地带18th-century British history is a bit of a grey area for me. impact area n (site of explosion)爆炸区域;弹着区;弹着点The whole impact area was radioactive after the meteorite crash. in the area adv (locally, nearby)在这里;在这附近;在本区域I have lived in the area for ten years and know all my neighbours. in the area of [sth] prep (within the vicinity of)在…附近I would not like to live in the area of a football ground. in the area of [sth] prep (subject: in the field of)在…领域He is an expert in the area of Roman history. in the neighborhood (US), in the area (UK) adv (locally)本地;当地There are several good schools in the neighborhood. industrial area n (place of manufacturing)工业区;工业园区 local area network, LAN n (computer network) (计算机)局域网;本地区域网络 local area network, LAN n (telecommunications system) (通讯)局域网络 metropolitan area n (large city and its surroundings)大都会市区Chicago has a population of 2.8 million people, but its metropolitan area has nearly 10 million. no-go area, no-go zone n (barricaded area)禁区;危险区域 no-go area n (dangerous zone)禁区;危险区That part of the city is a no-go area at night. pedestrian area n (zone: traffic prohibited)行人专区 penalty area n (soccer: marked area of field) (足球场上的)罚球区James was fouled inside the penalty area so his team was awarded a penalty rather than a free kick. picnic area n (designated zone for eating outdoors) (指定的)野餐区The picnic area at this amusement park is kept very clean. picnic area n (spot popular for eating outdoors) (受欢迎的)野餐区 play area n (designated zone for children's play) (孩子)游戏区,游乐场The children have a play area well away from the main road. playing area n (sports terrain)球场;比赛区 rear area n (part at the back)后方The seats in the rear area are safer because airplanes never back into mountains. reception area n (place where visitors are greeted)接待区;接待处 recreation area n (public park)游憩用地 rest stop, rest area n US (lay-by: area for vehicles to pull over)休息区, 服务区 sensitive area n figurative (emotive topic)敏感领域My mum no longer asks me about boyfriends because she knows it's a sensitive area. sensitive area n (area of body easily affected by stimuli)敏感部位The tips of the fingers are the most sensitive area of the human body. service area n UK (motorway facilities) (高速路边供来往车辆休息的区域)路边服务站; (广播等的)服务区He drove the car off the highway and into the service area so he could eat lunch and use the bathroom. ski area n (place where people pay to ski)滑雪场;滑雪区 smoking area n (section where smoking is permitted)吸烟区 staging post, staging area n (troop assembly area before setting off)补给站 staging post, staging area n (any area of assembly before setting off)中转站;中途站 subject area n (field of study or knowledge)学科,知识领域 surrounding area n (environs)周围地区The child went missing so her parents searched the surrounding area. work area n (environment in which a job is done)工作区,工作区域




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