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词汇 administration
释义 administrationUK:*'administration', 'Administration': /ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃən/US:/ædˌmɪnəˈstreɪʃən/US:(ad min′ə strā′shən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 administration n (dealing with paperwork)管理工作;行政工作;文书工作The detective was moved to administration for 30 days as punishment for his poor conduct.作为不良行为的惩罚,那位侦探被调去处理文书工作了,为期30天。 administration n (management of company)管理 , 经营;管理部门 , 行政部门The administration will discuss the matter with the board of directors.管理部门将与董事会讨论此事。 administration, Administration n US (government: executive branch)政府机关;行政机关Many things were different under the Reagan Administration.里根政府时期,许多事情是不同的。 其他翻译 administration n formal (dispensing) (正式用语)给药 , 配药After administration of the medication, the patient should not eat for 12 hours. administration n (act of administering)管理The new officer feels strongly about the administration of justice. administration n (period an administrator serves)任期;在职期During the university president's administration, she made several improvements to the campus. administration n (law: management of insolvent company)破产管理人;清算执行人 复合形式: business administration n (study of business management)工商管理;企业管理 FAA n initialism (Federal Aviation Administration)联邦航空管理局 FDA n US, initialism (Food and Drug Administration) (缩写,美式英语)食品和药物管理局 FHA n initialism (Federal Housing Administration)联邦住房管理局 Food and Drug Administration n US (government health agency)美国食品药品管理局 Letters of Administration n (document appointing a will's executor)遗产管理委任书 Occupational Safety and Health Administration n (governmental organization)职业安全与健康管理局;职业健康和安全局 public administration n (implementation of public policy)公共行政;公共管理 public administration n (field of study)公共管理学




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