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词汇 action
释义 actionUK:*/ˈækʃən/US:/ˈækʃən/ ,(ak′shən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: 主要翻译 action n (movement, work, activity)行动He got off his chair and jumped into action.他跳下椅子,开始行动。 action n (political measures)(政治)行动;举措Action to tackle racism is very important.我们要采取举措,消灭种族主义,这一点非常重要。 action n (plot) (用于小说戏剧等)剧情,情节The action in the novel is spread over two decades.这本小说的情节跨越了二十年。 action n (frenetic activity)热闹的活动;刺激的活动The sales floor is incredibly busy today - there is a lot of action.今天销售层忙碌活跃得让人难以置信,真是热闹非凡。 action n (law)诉讼;诉讼权The lawyers' action against the company caused it to go bankrupt.律师对公司的诉讼导致该公司破产。 action [sth] vtr (request: deal with, act upon)处理;受理Your request will be actioned within 48 hours.您的请求会在48小时内受理。 其他翻译 Action! interj (movie-making) (拍摄电影)开拍!;开始!When everything was ready, the director yelled, "Action!" action n (gesture)姿势;动作He made an encouraging action with his hand, as if to say, "Yes". action n (mechanical movement)(机械等)运转;工作The action of the printing press was very noisy. action n (military) (军队)交战,战斗The general has seen action in three different wars. action n (on string instrument) (弦乐器上)部件Fabrizio adjusted the action on his guitar by tightening the screws. action n as adj (movie, book genre) (影片类型)动作的I like action films, but my sister prefers comedies. 复合形式: a piece of the action n informal (involvement, participation)参与其中;从中获利If I'm to help you, I want a piece of the action. action and reaction n (physics: opposing forces)作用力和反作用力 action figure n (character toy)玩偶;人偶My nephew collects action figures; he must have at least twenty of Batman alone. action hero n (hero in story)动作英雄,动作片主演He leapt from the bridge onto the moving train, just like an action hero in a movie. action movie n (film focussed on action sequences)动作片Tony is watching an action movie. action photo n (photograph capturing [sb] or [sth] in motion)动态照片;带动作的照片 action plan n (outline of strategy, schedule)行动计划 action replay (television)动作回放;即时重放 action stations npl (military: positions for battle)战斗岗位 action stations interj (military command: prepare for battle)准备战斗;进入战斗岗位 action stations interj informal (get ready to do [sth])各就各位 action-packed adj (full of drama, events)情节丰富刺激的James Bond films are always action-packed.詹姆斯邦德的电影总是情节丰富。 affirmative action n (positive discrimination)(鼓励雇佣女性和少数民族的)积极措施;赞助性行动Affirmative action is implemented in order to overcome imbalances in educational and business opportunities. back in action adj informal (functioning or performing again)恢复状态,恢复运作The doctor said I will be back in action in a few days, as soon as the scarring heals. back in action adj figurative, informal (at work again)重回工作岗位,回来工作After being away so long, we are all happy to see her back in action. call to action n ([sth] that motivates)唤起行动;行动号召The vandalism was a call to action for the townspeople to band together. capillary action n (physics: power to absorb) (物理学)毛细管作用,毛细引力 class action, class action suit n (lawsuit brought by a group)共同起诉;集体诉讼A lot of us are involved in a class action suit against the company for discrimination against women. collective action n (collaboration for a social purpose)集体行为;集体行动The union is mobilizing union members to participate in a collective action against their employer. concerted action n (cooperation in a cause)联合行动The US and the UK took concerted action to prevent the conflict from spreading. corrective action n ([sth] done to rectify [sth])纠正措施 course, course of action n figurative (path of action)行动;做法It's hard to know which course to take in life.在生活中,我们很难知道该选哪条路。 course of action n (procedure)做法;行动步骤The course of action chosen by her doctor was successful. disciplinary action n (punishment or caution)整顿纪律的行动;行为Caning is no longer considered an appropriate disciplinary action. falling action n (part of literary plot) (文学情节的一部分)剧情下降,情节下降 further action n (additional measures)进一步行动Further action was needed to win the battle. in action adj (functioning or performing)付诸行动的;正在运转的Have you seen my new lawnmower in action? in action adv (military: while engaged in combat) (军队)在战斗地This monument commemorates those lost in action during WWII. industrial action n (workers' strike or protest) (工人罢工或抗议)劳工行动If there is no agreement with the employers, the Union will recommend taking industrial action. job action n (industrial protest)罢工;怠工 legal action n (court proceeding)诉讼I've decided to take legal action against my neighbour. man of action n ([sb] who acts rather than thinks)实干家;行动者He was a man of action rather than of words. move [sb] to action v expr (motivate to do [sth])让...行动起来;激励...行动A news report about the famine moved James to action and he decided to make a donation to charity. plan of action n (sequence of things to do)行动计划What's the plan of action for today? put [sth] into action v expr (implement: plan)付诸实践;付诸行动 put [sb] into action v expr (use: team, staff, etc.)让...开始工作;让...着手工作 reflex action n ([sth] done instinctively)反射动作;本能反应The minister punched the man who threw an egg at him: it was a reflex action. reflex action n figurative (unthinking response to [sth]) (比喻)不假思索的反应,本能反应 replay, action replay n UK (sport: [sth] repeated on screen)倒带重播They showed a replay of the goal. rising action n (fiction: dramatic series of events) (小说或戏剧结构)剧情上升,动作上升,引发事件备注: 指一些引出高潮的事件 scene of action n (sports venue)体育比赛场所The teams were ready to enter the scene of action to play their match. sustained action n (prolonged or continued activity)持续行动 take action v expr (act, do [sth] practical)采取行动We can't just ignore the situation - we must take action.我们不能忽视眼下的情形,必须采取行动。 united action n (co-operation)联合行动;一致行动;合作




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