accidental damage───意外损坏
accidental damages───意外损坏
accidental injuries───偶然伤害;意外伤害
negligent homicide───过失杀人
accidental discovery───意外发现
This may be traffic, accidental, natural or man-made accidents, or a homicide involving some type of vehicle.───这可能是交通,偶然的,自然的或人为的事故,或一宗凶杀案,涉及某些类型的车辆。
accidental homicide, the perpetrator can take refuge in one of five cities that are designated for this purpose: the five cities of refuge.───意外杀人,犯罪者可以避难于五个指定城市之一,五个指定的避难城。
They can live there until the death of the high priest, and the death of the high priest symbolically serves to purge or remove the blood guilt or impurity of the accidental homicide.───他们可以住在那里直到大祭司死去,大祭司的死亡象征着净化,或移除这个意外杀人者的罪孽或不洁。
- accidental invention
- accidental homicide
- accidentally falls