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词汇 arabian sea
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Arabian Sea───n.阿拉伯海

Arabian senna───阿拉伯番泻叶


Arabian sennas───阿拉伯参议院

arabica bean───小豆

Arabian Desert───n.阿拉伯沙漠

Arabian horses───阿拉伯马




thousands of square kilometres of floodplain where the Euphrates and Tigris rivers divided into a network of tributaries meandering and pulsating south to the Arabian sea.───在幼发拉底河与底格里斯河径分为向南入血脉搏动流入阿拉伯海的蜿蜒河网处,泛滥平原地貌绵延了数千平方公里。

Indian navy officials say they have detained 16 Somali pirates after a confrontation with a hijacked fishing boat in the Arabian Sea.───印度海军官员说,他们在阿拉伯海与一艘遭劫持的渔船对峙之后拘留了16名索马里海盗。

The country borders India, Afghanistan, Iran, China and the Arabian Sea.───该国与印度、阿富汗、伊朗、中国和阿拉伯海岸接壤。

DHIRUBHAI AMBANI grew up in a two-room home with an earthen floor in the Indian state of Gujarat, close to the Arabian Sea.───迪卢柏•阿姆巴尼成长于一个有着泥土地板的二居室的家里,这是靠近阿拉伯海的印度古吉拉特邦(音)一个地方。

Floor windows and all ready to be the face of endless Arabian Sea.───而且全部是落地玻璃窗,随时可以面对着一望无际的阿拉伯海。

Now two submarines were in the northern Arabian Sea, ready to fire missiles at any point the CIA determined to be bin Laden's whereabouts.───目前,有两艘潜艇部署在阿拉伯海北部,随时待命,准备向中情局查出的本·拉登的藏身地发射导弹。

And it is in the midst of a strong seismic zone that stretches in a broad swath from Turkey to the Arabian Sea near India.───而且,他还处在强震带中心,这条地震带宽而长,一直从土耳其延伸到印度边上的阿拉伯海。

After making landfall in Oman, Phet dissipated somewhat, but remained organized enough to move back over the Arabian Sea toward Pakistan.───在阿曼登陆后,“钻石”略有减弱,但仍保持力量再次经阿拉伯海向巴基斯坦方向移动。

In its northward trek over the Arabian Sea, Cyclone Phet gave Oman a glancing blow, cutting across the northeast edge of the country.───沿阿拉伯海缓慢北上的过程中,“钻石”侧面袭击了阿曼,从阿曼的东北部穿过。


The breeze from the Arabian Sea carries the jasmine scent mingled with sandalwood incense.

They include ports on the Arabian Sea and a proposed rail project which has yet to be approved, but which would arouse controversy, and Indian ire, by running through contested territory in Kashmir.

Phytoplankton swirled across the Arabian Sea on February 18, 2010, drawn into thin green ribbons by turbulent eddies.

Both will link these ports on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal -- both arms of the Indian ocean-by rail to western China.

American minesweepers are sweeping the Arabian sea.

Friday's operation took place in the Arabian Sea, about 1,300 kilometers northeast of Somalia.

Because the Arabian Sea is landlocked to the north, it is less influenced by large-scale ocean circulation and more strongly influenced by the monsoon winds.

It'south into the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean.

It was on the coast of the Arabian sea.

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