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词汇 fiscal year
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fiscal years───会计年度;(美)财政年度

fiscal drag───[财政]财政拖累(指由通货膨胀引起的虽未改变税率而增加的税收负担);[财政]财政障碍

financial year───财政年度,会计年度

financial years───财政年度(financialyear的名词复数)

fiscal agent───财务代理人

fiscal drags───[财政]财政拖累(指由通货膨胀引起的虽未改变税率而增加的税收负担);[财政]财政障碍

civil year───日历年,历年

first year───第一年



Growth dipped below earlier official forecasts to 6.7 per cent last fiscal year.───上一财政年度,印度经济增长率下滑至6.7%,低于早些时候的官方预测.

Manufacturing accounted for 36 % of business investment in the last fiscal year.───在上一个财年,制造业占商业投资的36%.

We have already used up our total investment budget for the current fiscal year.───本财政年度的全部投资预算已用完.

A financial report produced by a corporation for shareholders the end of fiscal year.───在每个财政年末,由公司地资方向股东提供地财务报告.

Excise taxes on cigarettes and liquor slipped below expectations for the fiscal year to date.───本财年迄今为止,烟草和酒水的消费税也低于预测水平.

The government had forecast in December flat growth for current fiscal year.───日本政府去年12月曾预测本财年的GDP将于上一财年持平.

Goal: Increase product revenue by 20 percent in fiscal year 2009.───目标:在2009财政年度增加20%的生产收益。

He wants to aggregrate the data for the entire fiscal year.───他想把整个财政年的数据都汇集起来.

A two a half percent in the third quarter at the end of the fiscal year.───在会计年度终了时,第三季会上升百分之二点五.

The money is for the 2008 fiscal year, which began October 1.───这笔钱是专为从十月1号开始的2008年财政年预备的.

These orders can pile up at the end of the fiscal year.───这些举措可以堆积在本个财年末来完成。

April 29, ally deinson announces the 2009 fiscal year and the first quarter and financial statements.───4月29日, 艾利·丹尼森公司发布2009财年第一财季的财务报告.

The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30.───美国政府会计年度法定为九月三十日结束.

Based on the unaudited financial statements, CCXA was profitable for its 2006 fiscal year.───根据未经审计的财务报表, 长春新安2006年是盈利的.

The chart shows the sales results for the last fiscal year.───图表显示出了上个财政年的销售业绩.

They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.───他们已准备好在下一个财政年度削减联邦预算赤字。

Financial report of the most recent fiscal year audited and attested by certified public accountant ( CPA ) .───最近年度经 会计师 查核签证之财务报告.

Probable cash disbursement and Financial Commitment required during the fiscal year may also be compiled therein.───并得编列会计年度内可能支付之现金及所需未来承诺之授权.

The college will lay off about 350 people in this fiscal year, said Mr Etchemendy.───埃切门迪表示,该校将在本财政年度裁掉大约350人.

The fiscal year is the calendar year.───5会计年度是自然年.

The exemption helped us in our last fiscal year.───在我们上一个财政年度中,免税的政策帮助了我们.

We are targeting to get over 10,000 deals for the fiscal year.───我们这个会计年的目标是签下至少10000单交易.

It always confuses me of the fiscal year and the calendar year.───我总是分不清财政年度和日历年度.

Fiscal year: The year established for accounting purposes.───会计年度: 为会计而设定的年限.

The company announced that the estimated current fiscal year will be revised earnings expectations.───该公司宣布,预计当前财年的修正后盈利将达到市场预期.

Markets will care more about FedEx's outlook for the rest the fiscal year.───市场将更为关心联邦快递对本财年余下时间的预期.

They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.───他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。

That was our profit for the fiscal year ending March 31.───这是我们截止到三月三十一号之前的年度财政利润.

An interim period refers to a reporting term which is shorter than a full fiscal year.───中期,是指短于一个完整的会计年度的报告期间.


They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.

  • fiscal ship
  • fiscal responsibility




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