

词汇 酒店标准间用英语怎么说
释义 酒店标准间用英语怎么说

Hotel standard room




The hotel fronts the beautiful lake.───这家旅馆面对着那美丽的湖.

I'll have your suitcases sent forward to the hotel.───我会叫人先把你的箱子送到旅馆去的.

His hotel bill comes to 20 pounds.───他的旅馆账款总共是20英镑.

They have licensed the private hotel.───他们已发了许可证给那家私人旅馆.

The flare overshot its target and set light to a hotel.───信号弹越过目标,把一家旅馆照亮了.

We arranged with him to meet at the hotel at one o'clock.───我们和他约好1点钟在旅馆碰头.

The hotel was completely burnt out.───旅馆被烧得只剩一片废墟。

In Japan we wanted to go native and not stay in a European hotel.───在日本我们想过当地人的生活,不住欧洲式的旅馆.

There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel.───这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆.

There is a superb panorama of the mountains from the hotel.───从旅馆可饱览峰峦叠嶂的雄伟景观。


The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.

Leave your luggage in the hotel.

The decorator appointed the hotel with ultramodern furnishings.

The hotel is currently under construction.

The hotel is famous for its entertainment.

The hotel has a licensed bar .

We'll be staying at the Hotel Ibis.

Many famous people have stayed in the hotel.

The owner of the hotel welcomed us personally.

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