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词汇 fellow creatures
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fellow creature───同类;同胞

fellow inmates───狱友

yellow cresses───黄水芹

cell cultures───细胞培养物

fellow citizen───各位公民;同胞

fellow citizens───同胞们;公民同胞

fellow inmate───狱友

fellow members───正式会员

fellow traveler───同路人


way we live leaves a carbon footprint, affecting every other human, our fellow creatures and the earth we cohabit.───我们的生活方式会留下碳足迹,从而影响到其他每一个人、其它各种生物、以及我们共同栖居的地球。

If conditions had remained thus, man might have been no more aggressive than his fellow creatures.───假如现在还有这样的条件,人类就不会比其他动物更加好斗。

She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures.───她决定作为一名医生她对同胞们负有义务。

Watching me share my own food with my fellow creatures, the villagers became curious, smiled strangely and whispered to one another.───村民看到我的举动以后,都露出好奇的表情及诡异的笑容,并互相窃窃私语。

The man who regards his own life and that of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life.───将自己的生命和同胞视为没有意义的人,不但不快乐,而且没有能力生活。

partly by her own reserve, and partly by the instinctive, though no longer so unkindly, withdrawal of her fellow-creatures.───这固然是由于她自己的回避,但也是由于她的同胞们的本能的退缩,尽管这种退缩早已不那么不友好了。

Along among the literary forms of novels, they satisfy the human craving to know and understand our fellow creatures.───同样在小说的文学形式里,他们满足了人类渴望了解我们同类的欲望。

power , for the sake of lording it over fellow - creatures or adding to personal pomp , is rightly judged base.───权力,如果用来对同胞作威作福,或者用来增加个人的虚荣,就应该被认为是卑鄙的。


As fellow creatures on this planet, however, they deserve respect and considerate handling.

Thus a dragonfly and its larva are both voracious eaters of their fellow creatures.

She had decided that as a doctor she had a responsibility to her fellow creatures.

It hissed, and one of its fellow creatures also came closer to have a look.

The latter speak out on behalf of the poor, women, our fellow creatures and the environment.

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them: that's the essence of inhumanity.

  • fellow worker
  • fellow human
  • fellow ode grinder
  • fellow guests
  • fellowship program
  • fellow being
  • fellow workers
  • fellow definition
  • fellow creature
  • fellow inmates
  • fellow member
  • fellow creatures
  • fellow ode
  • fellow osteria




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