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词汇 fell back
释义 fell back
fell back发音



fall back───退却,后退;回落

yell back───喊回来

fall backs───退却,后退;回落

falls back───退却,后退;回落

shell back───n.老水手

call back───vi.回电;收回

fed back───反馈;反应;回复

feed back───反馈;反应;回复

fold back───向后折叠


Her strength was exhausted and she fell back on the pillow.───她筋疲力尽,又躺在枕头上.

The tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep.───那个疲劳的旅客往床上一倒就睡着了.

He fell back in embarrassment when he saw that Ross had no hair at all.───看见罗斯的光头,他尴尬地后退了几步。

The enemy fell back as our troops advanced.───部队挺进,敌军向后撤退。

The congregation fell back from them slightly as they entered.───教堂会众在他们进来时稍稍往后退了退。

He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.───他把她推开,然后她向后跌坐在长木椅上。

Carrie fell back a pace, expecting a most embarrassing conversation.───嘉莉朝后退了一步, 心想这一下会有一番最令人难堪的谈话了.

The crowd fell back to let the doctor through.───人群退后让医生走过去.

The Belgians fell back as the infantry came under fire.───步兵团受到火力攻击时比利时人向后撤退。

The crowd fell back to let the fire - engine through.───人群向后退去,以便给消防车让路.

He fell back into the water, his breath rasping in his heaving chest.───他仰面跌进了水中,胸部起伏,呼吸急促。

We charged and the enemy's front line fell back.───我们一冲锋,敌人的阵线就后退了.

He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench.───他把她推开,她向后跌坐到长木椅上。

I fell back and hurt my head.───我向后跌倒,把头跌伤了.

He fell back, shocked, his face ashen.───他吓得往后退了一步,面如死灰。

We made a powerful charge and the enemy immediately fell back.───我们发起一场猛烈进攻,敌人便立即败退了.

He fell back onto the sofa in a drunken stupor.───他烂醉如泥,瘫倒在沙发上。

The throng fell back, stupefied.───人群向后退去,惊呆了。


The crowd fell back to let the doctor through.

Scott fell back a pace in astonishment.

We charged and the enemy's front line fell back.

The infantry fell back in disarray.

The enemy fell back as our troops advanced.

Share prices fell back after brisk early trading.

She fell back in horror/disgust.

The crowd fell back to let the players through.

fell back to 108 by the close of trading.

  • fellow worker
  • fell all
  • fell happy
  • fell after
  • fellow human
  • fellew ships
  • fell nub
  • fell blue
  • fell out
  • fell good
  • fellow ode grinder
  • fellow guests
  • fellowship program
  • fellahin pronunciation
  • fell ill
  • fellow being
  • fell sick
  • feller law
  • fell sleep
  • fell like
  • fell across




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