

词汇 Only Know
释义 Only Know
Only Know发音



don't know───我想不明白

only too───非常;实在

don't knows───我想不明白


dont knows───不知道

well known───众所周知的;出名的

I know───我知道

hill snow───小山雪

only hope───只有希望


I only know where to buy egg.───我只知道去哪里买鸡蛋。

Although at this point, I have to confess that I only know a small percentage of people when we look at it from a global perspective.───尽管在这一点上,我不得不承认,从全球的角度来看,我只认识一小部分人。

I only know one of them.───我只认识其中一个。

Did not only know if one day her to discover I have her to be able to come back to look for me?───只是不知道如果有一天她发现我的存在她会回来找我吗?

Like a pair of the growth of weeds in grassland, only know overstating their bodies, why should overstating, actually totally do not know.───就像一棵在荒草丛中生长的野草,只知道拔高自己的身躯,为什么要拔高,竟全然不知道。

You only know how to criticise others, but how much thing?───你只知道批评别人,你自己做了多少事?

They only know what products are being ordered, the order number, and how much they received for the sale.───他们仅知道哪些产品被订购、订单号以及他们从销售中获得的金额。

Why don't know? I feel so much bored, At home only know play all day, Don't do other things!───不知道为什么?感觉很无聊,整天在家只知道玩,不干别的!

He would not only know what time it was, he would also know where the sun would rise, and how it would move across the sky.───从中小路易斯将不仅仅得知时间是什么,同时他也可知晓日昇于何处以及太阳的运动轨迹。


I only know it was somewhere in a side road, where Highway i comes into Saigon.

That lot only know how to squander what other men have earned.

I only know the barest details of his plans.

I only know her by sight .

I only know the words to the first verse.

I only know her by name .

I only know the names of one or two of the new students.

I only know there was a father who was both idolised and undoubtedly feared, a dogmatic and overbearing Catholic.

I only know him from board meetings.

  • Only Know




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