online service───联机服务;在线服务
divine services───祭礼;礼拜
police services───警务
morning services───早间服务
counseling services───咨询服务
active services───现役
dating services───约会服务
The second principle is to loosen the control that providers of online services have over data and give more to those who supply them.───第二个原则是放宽在线服务提供商对数据的控制,给予提供数据者更多的控制权。
The Bridge Between Online Services &The Internet: AOL───AOL:在线服务和因特网的桥梁
One of our most interesting findings was that women are very different from men in how they use these online services.───我们发现其中一个有趣现象,就是使用这些在线服务时,女人男人大不同。
Many online services kept their data locked up, because there was no way to make money from them. All this is changing.───很多在线服务商将它们的数据束之高阁,因为以前没有方法可以从中谋利。所有的这一切都在改变。
Instead the focus was on online services and new versions of the company's mobile and computer operating systems.───相反,苹果将重点放在了在线服务和苹果手机及电脑操作系统的新版本上。
They apologized for the theft of personal information from millions of users of the company's online services.───他们为该公司数百万用户的网络个人信息被盗一事致歉。
To perform a quick format of XML content without installing any XML tools, try one of these online services.───要执行XML内容的快速格式化,而不安装任何XML工具,请尝试以下任一在线服务。
Access to Microsoft Online Services systems will be authenticated through the company's own Active Directory server.───要访问微软在线服务系统,你需要通过企业自己的活动目录服务进行认证。
Online services are very different creatures from Internet service providers.
The new software was a unique tool that set the Microsoft Network apart from other commercial online services.
In addition to disc based, off-line systems, there may well be demands for multimedia online services too.
Juno Online Services provides free e-mail access to the Internet through their own special software package.
Under the new law, providers and online services are responsible for restricting indecent material or risking criminal prosecution.
Anyone with memories of using early online services such as CompuServe or Prodigy will recall how tedious it was to navigate their cumbersome menus just to send an e-mail or read a bulletin board.
Online services like Napster helped generate interest in a slew of new computer products in recent months.
Especially in the startup phase, online services save you time and money, be available 24/7 and make you look professional.
The planners felt that online services are not suitable for browsing for general ideas.
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- online advert
- online services
- online arbitrage
- online lessons