

词汇 这个公寓靠近市中心用英语怎么说
释义 这个公寓靠近市中心用英语怎么说

The apartment is near the center of the city




He and his wife finally had to move from their apartment just to preserve their sanity.───为了不致发疯,他和妻子最终只得从公寓中搬出。

They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs.───他们的母亲吸毒上瘾后,他们被从公寓里赶了出来。

We rented an unfurnished apartment.───我们租了一套不带家具的公寓。

Christina has her own apartment, with her own car.───克里斯蒂娜有自己的公寓和汽车。

He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry.───他打开2号公寓的门,回头瞥了拉里一眼,然后就进了房间。

They live in an apartment uptown.───他们住在市郊的一套公寓。

I furnished my first apartment with items from the want ads.───我从分类广告上购置物品,布置了我的第一间公寓。

A doctor will visit you in your apartment.───会有医生到您的住所出诊。


The apartment is not commodious enough for us.

She pays £200 a week for this apartment.

His apartment is in a really good location.

He was given a new rent-free apartment.

I've got a pleasant little apartment.

Cash was taken during a burglary of the apartment.

He can afford an apartment.

We will be renting the apartment for a year.

The apartment was spick and span.

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