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词汇 fallen away
释义 fallen away
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falling away───消失;抛弃

fall away───vt.消失;背离,离开;疏失;抛弃;消瘦;倾斜

falls away───vt.消失;背离,离开;疏失;抛弃;消瘦;倾斜

filled away───转帆向风;乘风前进

fallen apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

eaten away───侵蚀;痛快地吃,尽情地吃

fade away───逐渐消失


fallen arch───扁平足


The houses that have fallen away will be rebuilt.───的房屋将要重建。

Then they had fallen away.───然后他们却离弃友谊。

Plaster had fallen away in places, exposing the brickwork.───有些地方的灰泥脱落了,露出了砖。

The huge, showy booster rockets fallen away, it was just a little glider or an aeroplane.───巨大显眼的助推火箭脱离后,它看上去只是架小型滑翔机或飞机。

All the wildness and wariness seemed to have fallen away from him, was a man drops useless garment when he enters his own home.───就像一个男人回到家时扔掉一件无用的外衣,粗野与谨慎在他身上已荡然无存。

and their clothes hanging on them like a loose morning gown, so much were they fallen away by sickness and want of nourishment.───而且他们是如此深罹病患,亟需给养,以至于穿在他们身上的衣服看着像宽松的睡衣。

Douglas lay watching his feet, free of the heavy shoes, the chunks of winter fallen away from them.───道格拉斯躺着看他那双脚,脚上已脱掉了那双沉重的鞋,冬天的累赘解除了。

Unfortunately, Australia has fallen away significantly after initially being quick out of the blocks at the start of China's boom.───不幸的是,澳大利亚在中国繁荣的一开始就面对障碍避而远之,现在更为遥不可及。

The road ahead, once a much-loved tourist trail through a stunning gorge, has either fallen away in places or disappeared under landslides.───前面的路,曾经是一条穿越极好山谷的小道,不是在这个地方倾斜就是在崩塌的泥石下消失。


Membership of the club has fallen away in recent months.

Her face has fallen away since she lost weight.

Be careful on this part of the slope,bits of rock have fallen away.

Plaster had fallen away in places, exposing the brickwork.

The number of applicants has fallen away sharply.

One by one her hopes had fallen away , and left her desolate.

Membership of the club has fallen away this year.

Some of our formerly loyal members have fallen away.

Demand for our more theoretical courses has fallen away.

  • fallen stars
  • fallen down
  • fallen series
  • fallen leaves
  • fallen asleep
  • fallen leaves belong to
  • fallen for you
  • fallen away
  • fallen victim
  • fallen destiny
  • fallen ill
  • fallen angels




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