express delivery services───速递服务;快递服务
pizza delivery service───披萨送货服务
pizza delivery services───披萨送货服务
express deliveries───快递,限时专送
express delivery───快递,限时专送
expressive voice───富有表现力的声音
business reply service───业务回复服务
The package was shipped by the express delivery service.───包裹由特快专递送出。
Where needed, the final product can be delivered using the express delivery service.───如需快递的客户我们免费将完成作品快递至您手中。
express delivery service send my ski.───滑雪板用快递寄过去吧。
As a courier for an express delivery service, I tried to deliver a package that required refrigeration one time, but found no one at home.───我是一名快件邮递员。有一次我送一个需要冷冻的包裹,可主人不在家,我便来到了他的邻居家。
But the father did not expect others to also express delivery service for sending and fortune into the rich.───可是想不到父亲当年也是投寄他人的速递公司而发家成富。
Therefore, how to improve the express delivery service quality of those Chinese enterprises is a focus of attention for this dissertation.───如何有效的改善我国快递业服务质量就成为本文研究的出发点。
Xuri Express Delivery Service Co. , Ltd.───佳隆货运公司旭日快递服务有限公司。
I 'll have the express delivery service send my ski.───滑雪板用快递寄过去吧
Bowie Hogg, from Dallas, Texas. I have a business degree and work in sales for an express delivery service.───商科毕业,在快递公司做销售。傻乎乎的一个胖子,实在看不出内涵,事实证明也如此。
Within the state sector, the statutory public monopoly of electricity supply and express delivery service has been ended.
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