

词汇 reasonable expectation
释义 reasonable expectation
reasonable expectation发音




unreasonable expectations───不合理的期望

reasonable explanation───合理的解释

manage expectations───管理期望值

reasonable suspicion───合理怀疑

impossible expectations───不可能的期望

above expectations───超出预期

parental expectations───父母期望

raise expectations───提高期望值

rational explanation───理性阐释,理性解释


These questions will provide you with telling answers as well as a reasonable expectation of success or failure.───这些问题会帮你找到答案以及你成功与否合理的预期。

Normal attitude means reasonable expectation, not going to extremes, and playing it cool.───平常心就是期望值合理,做事不过分,处事淡然。

While that might not be a reasonable expectation - the fact remains that blogging is by its nature a viral medium.───虽然这可能是不大合理的期望-事实上博客根据自然的病毒模式传播。

It's long been a truism of Fourth Amendment law that the "reasonable expectation of privacy" test is circular.───长期以来一个有关宪法第四修正案不争的事实是,所谓“对隐私权的合理期望”这一测试点总是走成一个循环往复的怪圈。

People have this reasonable expectation that, I see something pretty in that direction, so all the pretty things would be in that direction.───人们有种合情合理的预期,即我在那个方向看到了美妙的东西,因此所有美妙的东西都在那个方向。

Currently China is growing at roughly a 9% annual pace. He said that growth of somewhere between 8% and 10% was a "reasonable expectation. "───当前中国正在以每年大约9%的速度增长。他说8-10%的经济增长率对中国目前这个阶段而言是“合理的预期”。

Each problem mortgage was supposed to represent a reasonable expectation that it would be paid.───每一个问题房贷的当事人都被合理要求支付欠款。

But even so, and especially in the absence of such a policy, employees may have a reasonable expectation of privacy, Mr. Zimmerman said.───但是尽管如此,公司员工还是希望能够尽可能地保护自己的隐私。齐默曼先生说道。

"That may not be a reasonable expectation, but it is a factor in what's driving things right now. "───“这种预期可能并不合理,但它的确是造成当前局面的因素之一。”


The need would be to show, against reasonable expectation, that the second did not divert attention from the first.

Sometimes when we project into the future we have a reasonable expectation, based on experience, of what will happen.

Maybe 5-6 was a reasonable expectation.

It's encouraging to bear in mind that, for most Linux users, the expectation from beta software is generally tempered by a reasonable expectation of finding--and more importantly, reporting--bugs.

We certainly had a reasonable expectation of success.

People have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy in cellular as in other forms of telephonic conversation.

A digestibility value of 70 - 80 percent seems a reasonable expectation.

A profit of £30-50 a session is a reasonable expectation.

Thus a reasonable expectation for the strength of a material would be: which could hardly be much simpler.

  • reasonableness standard
  • reasonableness far
  • reasonable tuition fees
  • reasonableness cfr
  • reasonable explanation
  • reasonable expectation
  • reasonableness math
  • reasonable prices




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