

词汇 reasonable amount
释义 reasonable amount
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reasonable doubt───合理的怀疑

reasonable cost───合理的费用;合理的成本

reasonable doubts───合理的怀疑

reasonable adjustment───合理调整

reasonable excuse───[法]合理解释,合理的辩解

taxable amount───[税收]应税金额

negligible amount───可忽略的量

reasonable price───[物价]合理价格;价格公道

reasonable step───合理的步骤


They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.───他们将需要相当大的桌区和充足的光线。

the meal is less than $10 a head, a reasonable amount that includes a delivery charge of just $4. Add another $10, and you get your own personal waiter.───一顿饭每人还不到10美元,这项合理的帐目中包括仅仅只收4美元的送货上门的费用,再加10美金,您将拥有您自己的私人服务员。

If the industry as a whole is holding a reasonable amount of equity, then these outliers are the ones to watch.───如果这个产业总体上拥有合理数量的股本,那么这些就是需要被注意的异常群体。

"What seems like a reasonable amount of time? " he asks, and is astonished that she does not seem to notice the exasperation in his voice.───“合适的时间是多久?”他问,对她似乎并未注意到他语气中的恼怒感到吃惊。

Transferring files and settings is not always for the faint of heart, but it is achievable in a reasonable amount of time.───结论传输文件和设置不是很困难的问题,但需要时间。

But they will only pay if it is very easy to do, a reasonable amount, and they feel certain the money will directly benefit the creators.───但只有在付款非常容易、定价合理以及他们确信钱会直接让创作者获利的时候,他们才会解囊。

Supercapacitors are meatier versions that are able to hold a reasonable amount of energy, and can take it in and release it quickly.───超级电容器是有能力储存相当多能量的更丰满的版本,并且能很快的充电和放电。

"You need to be able to run across thousands of machines in order for it to complete in a reasonable amount of time, " Dean said.───Dean说:“为了在可以接受的时间内完成这一工作,你需要在上千台机器上进行处理。”

The husband brought the partition action within a reasonable amount of time after the parties' youngest child reached the age of majority.───在双方最小的孩子达到法定年龄后的合理期限内,丈夫提起诉讼要求分割房产。


This contract would specify what reasonable amount of progress is deserving of reward.

I've got a reasonable amount of money saved.

Despite a slow start there was soon a reasonable amount of activity as students came in for their lunches.

This paper proposed the reasonable amount and the temperature of adding silica flour after studying the strength retrogression of Romania S_2 oil cement at high temperature.

Teachers need a reasonable amount of time to prepare course work.

Seats are comfortable and supportive and there is a reasonable amount of room in the rear seats.

They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.

Of course it is necessary for the prospective student to possess a reasonable amount of intelligence as well as a genuine desire to help others.

Toy problems may converge in a reasonable amount of time; real problems may magnify the task beyond reasonable limits.

  • reasonableness standard
  • reasonableness far
  • reasonable tuition fees
  • reasonableness cfr
  • reasonable explanation
  • reasonable expectation
  • reasonableness math
  • reasonable prices




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