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词汇 even enough
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even though───虽然,即使

reason enough───足够的理由


even out───v.使平坦;使均等;变正常

fair enough───有道理;说得对;敢情好

sure enough───果然,果真

well enough───很好;很健康;还可以;还好


Think of the United States, I think the U. S. is doing the right thing, maybe not even enough of it, and we are looking for a deficit of 12 to 13 percent of GDP.───看看美国,我认为美国现在所做的是正确的,或许还做的不够,我们现在的预算赤字相当于国内生产总值的12%到13%。

I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant. They only pay chicken feed — not even enough money to pay my rent.───我没有接受那个汉堡包店的工作。他们付的工资实在太少,还不够我付房租呢。

She lopped a portion of the stem off and filled in the rough edges so it was even enough to lay a round piece of glass over the top.───她把葫芦柄截去,修补毛边儿以使在它上面能放置一块圆玻璃板。

It is not even enough to be the best in the country, for each competitor must be able to reach the standard expected for entry to the Games.───对每一个参赛运动员来说,成为全国最佳运动员还不够,他还必须达到参加奥运会的标准。

There's even enough space on board the airship to process all that data in the sky, easing the burden on overloaded intelligence analysts.───飞艇上甚至还有足够的空间接收并分析空中的所有数据信息,这大大减轻了地面上情报分析员的重负。

His fingers were fused together and he was unable to close his mouth even enough to avoid drooling.───他的手指被火烧得熔在了一起,他的嘴唇也合不拢,无法止住口水往下流。

If you wanted to have sex, it wasn't even enough to say you loved 'em. You had to marry 'em!───如果你想和女人做爱,光是嘴上说说你爱她们是没用的,你得真把她们娶过来!

Today matters have become very complicated, and sometimes it is not even enough to think them over three or four times.───现在的事情,问题很复杂,有些事情甚至想三四回还不够。

The report said that Joshua Norton had no real money. . . not even enough to pay for his burial.───报告说,约书亚诺顿有没有真正的钱…甚至不足够支付他的埋葬。


At one point ( March 21 ), there were not even enough healthy bodies for a full - court scrimmage.

One, two, maybe even enough for a whole afternoon or evening out?

  • evenly matched vs tokens
  • evenly divide number
  • even up
  • even candy
  • even meet
  • even other
  • evenness plate
  • even-tempered define
  • even worse
  • evened out define
  • events of
  • even and kaitlyn
  • eventful reno
  • even asphere
  • evening win 4
  • evenly spaced
  • evened out def
  • even enough
  • evening school
  • even-tempered def
  • even through




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