Grass in the garden
Get some more fertiliser for the garden.───给花园再多施些肥料.
The garden was neglected so long that it was choked up with weeds.───这座花园日久荒芜,长满了杂草.
The best implement for digging a garden is a spade.───在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹.
Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony.───从邻居的阳台居高临下可以俯视我家的花园.
I've been digging the garden.───我一直在花园松土。
Some people exterminate garden insects by spraying poison on the plants.───有些人在植物上喷撒毒剂以杀死花园内的昆虫.
It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party.───游园会那天很可能会下雨.
Root this bundle of peonies in the garden.───使这束牡丹在花园里生根成长.
Many celebrities were assembled in the garden.
There is a botanical garden in Paris.
I think I'll do some digging in the garden.
The garden is turning into a wilderness.
Let patience grow in your garden always.
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- down by the Sally gardens
- meteor garden
- wayside gardens
- garden city
- garden leaves
- gardening leave
- bed maker for garden
- shadow garden
- garden house
- play garden