She has shown enthusiasm in the performance of her duties.───她在工作中表现出对工作的热忱。
My enthusiasm in technology waned.───我对科学技术的热情减弱了。
scene bubbling with enthusiasm in those years, we could not forget it for many years.───当年那种热情奔放的情景,我们多年都未能忘怀。
He had opportunities to meet several meditation masters and his enthusiasm in pursuing Dhamma (the Truth) continued to strengthen.───这段文字的大意是说,他有机会接触到一些禅门宗匠,并继续强化自己的禅修活动。
At the first stage of the show, we will be collecting photos from you for a week and it is hoped that everyone will show enthusiasm in it.───期展览前期,我们将开展为期一周的征集照片活动,希望大家能够热情参与。
However Wenger suggested that Grant would need time, especially as his appointment had not been met with enthusiasm in some quarters.───但是温格说格兰特会需要时间,尤其是他的任命没有得到一些人的热心欢迎。
But he got a real damper on his enthusiasm in the first month, when no more than 10 people enrolled in his class.───然然而,第一个月下来只是有寥寥10人报名上课。这的确打击了他的热情。
Predictably, enthusiasm in open-source circles has spawned hundreds -- if not thousands -- of parallel clustering projects.───可以想像得到,开放源码圈内的高涨热情已导致产生了数百--如果不是数千的话--并行集群项目。
I - I think it's exciting. It's exciting, because you see the enthusiasm in the children. . .───我-我认为这令人激动。非常激动,因为你看到孩子们中的热情…
He repeated it three times, and with greater enthusiasm, in 1852 than in 1848 and 1851.
She has shown enthusiasm in the performance of her duties.
There was a murmur of surprise and enthusiasm in the hall.
Encourage operators be active and enthusiasm in team work.
Sixth-form colleges did not arouse enthusiasm in the Department of Education and Science of 1965.
As an undergraduate William Joyce joined with enthusiasm in literary and political life.
The proposal aroused little enthusiasm in the group.
Justin is an outstanding student. He is enthusiasm in social service.
This semi-colonial expansion took place without great enthusiasm in St Petersburg.