Erecting flagpole
Hoist the Chinese flag on the flagpole, please!───请在旗杆上升起中国国旗!
The flagpole has been a fixture since the building was first opened a century ago.───这个旗杆从一个世纪前饭店开业起就一直固定在那里.
Above the entrance is a fixed flagpole . Hanging from the pole is a large Italianflag.───饭店门口上方竖着一个固定的旗杆, 上面悬挂着宽大的意大利国旗.
The Olympic flag, decorated with five rings, flutters at the top of a flagpole.───旗杆上用五环装饰的奥林匹克会旗迎风摆动.
A flagpole loomed up through the mist.───在薄雾中隐隐可见一根旗杆.
The flagpole set is white, with with ensign noodles of red mutually differentiation.───旗杆套为白色, 以与旗面的红色相区别.
Shi: The original design was to make it like a flagpole, with the pipes up top.───史: 这设计当时我想它像个旗杆, 上面插上管子.
Oracle bone script , flagpole with flying streamers.───甲骨文字形,中象旗杆,上下有旌旗和飘带, 旗杆正中竖立.
Weren't you supposed to wait for me at the flagpole?───你不是应该在那个旗杆上等我的 吗 ?
Pull the flagpole out of the ground, and down.───把旗杆拔出, 然后平放在地上.
A flagpole loomed up through the mist.
- 竖旗杆用英语怎么说