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词汇 electromotive force
释义 electromotive force
electromotive force发音



electromotive forces───[电磁]电动势

electromotive series───元素电化序;[物化]电动序

back electromotive force───[电磁]逆电动势;[电磁]反电动势

back electromotive forces───[电磁]逆电动势;[电磁]反电动势

electromagnetic force───电磁力

destructive force───毁灭性力量;破坏力



It is electromotive force that drives electrons through the circuit.───是电动势驱使电子沿电路运动.

The electromotive force between the two poles of this battery is 3.6 v.───这个电池两极的电动势是3.6伏特.

Current . electromotive force. or power supplied to an electric circuit. network . or device.───电流.电能. 电力:供给电路.网络或设备的电流. 电动力量或电力.

Electromotive force and Faraday's law. Inductance energy in magnetic fields maxwell equations.───电动势及法拉第定律。电感,磁场中之能量,马克思·威尔方程序。

The letter I is commonly used for current, E for electromotive force, R for resistance.───通常,用英文字母I表示电流, E表示电动势, R表示电阻.

In addition, the method of analyzing armature effect and the motion electromotive force is also discussed.───此外, 还讨论了电枢反应、运动反电势等关键问题的分析方法.

This paper presents translating and rotating motional electromotive force of non - straight wire in uniform magnetic field.───介绍匀强磁场 中非 直导线平动和绕定点转动的动生电动势.

The waveforms of no - load electromotive force ( EMF ) and output torque are calculated as well.───计算了这种新型电机的空载电势波形和输出转矩波形.

Any such device is called a seat of electromotive force.───任何这样的装置称为电动势源.

An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.───电流的大小与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比.

Commonly used than torque than the electromotive force, such that the magnification factor.───一般常用比力矩、比电动势 、 放大系数等表示.

The DC electromotive force output by AC generator can have quite big pulsating voltage.───交流发电机输出的直流电动势会有较大的脉动电压.

The force that causes electrons to move around a circuit is called electromotive force.───促使电子绕电路移动的力被叫做电动势.

The change of the flux that crosses coil made inductive electromotive force arises in coil.───穿过线圈的磁通量的变化使线圈中产生了感应电动势.

The article introduces simple method of estimation on induction electromotive force in linear generators is introduced.───提出一种简单易行的估算直线发电机电动势的方法.

A circuit element , typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by induction.───环绕着的东西, 通常是导线, 由于电磁感应的原因,线圈可产生电动势能.


The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.

Current . electromotive force. or power supplied to an electric circuit. network . or device.

A new method of measuring the electromotive force of reversible cells using MOS intergrated circuit is presented.

Commonly used than torque than the electromotive force, such that the magnification factor.

At first, the electromotive force of the thermocouple comprised of the titanium alloy TA15 and constantan was obtained by the comparison method, and verified by experiments.

On this basis, back electromotive force without load and with load is researched, simulated and analyzed, and cogging torque is analyzed and calculated in different dimensions of magnetic steel.

When the impacting object is impacted, an electromotive force is generated by the vibrating of the piezoelectric element.

Several conversion examples, from induced electromotive force through central-loop TEM2.5-D forward program to apparent resistivity, illustrate the feasibleness of inverse spline method.

In the Hall effect, Hall electromotive force is not only related to the current density, magnetic field and the distance of the poles, but also to Hall coefficient directly.

  • electromotive force emf
  • electromotive force




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