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词汇 economic globalization
释义 economic globalization
economic globalization发音




economic dislocation───经济混乱




economic regeneration───经济再生

economic situation───[经]经济形势,经济状况


Economic globalization has provided mankind with unprecedented opportunities for development.───经济全球化使人类获得了前所未有的发展机遇.

Economic globalization has also led to cultural homogenization.───经济全球化也导致了文化的趋同性。

Economic globalization is a big trend of our times.───经济全球化是我们这个时代的大趋势.

World multipolarization and economic globalization continue their development in zigzags.───世界多极化和经济全球化在曲折中继续发展.

The unfolding economic globalization has given rise to new social problems.───经济全球化的发展引发了新的社会矛盾。

Financial convergence is the salient phenomenon under the economic globalization.───金融趋同受一定条件的制约,开放经济条件下金融趋同有多种实现路径.

Economic globalization represents the objective trend of current global economic development.───经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的客观趋势.

Economic globalization has become to cannot go against the tide that turn.───经济全球化已经成为一股不可逆转的潮流.

Correctly guiding economic globalization and promoting the joint development of all countries.───正确引导经济全球化,促进各国实现共同发展.

Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall.───经济全球化、贸易自由化的发展要求关税壁垒不断被拆除.

The Secretary - General launched a blistering attack on the phenomenon of economic globalization.───秘书长 发起了对经济全球化现象的严厉抨击.

The economic globalization rolls in like the tide, which influence omnipresent.───经济全球化如浪潮一般滚滚而来, 其影响无所不在.

In economic globalization spring tide, china should avoids kill, bold participate in.───在经济全球化大潮中, 中国应趋利避害, 大胆参与.

This is the age of economic globalization.───这是经济全球化的时代。

The world is moving further toward multi - polarization and economic globalization.───世界 多极化 和经济全球化趋势进一步发展.

Regular globalization is the more deep - seated expression of economic globalization.───规则全球化是经济全球化的更深层表现.

Economic globalization brings not only opportunities for development but also challenges.───经济全球化所带来的不仅仅有发展机遇,也有严峻的挑战.

Service Industry transfer has become an obvious character of new economic globalization.───服务业的国际转移成为了当今经济全球化的显著特征.


Accompany with the wave tide of economic globalization, environment depravation the problem "float a surface" also combines with state sovereignty and constituted new the characteristic in century.

Economic globalization has caused "World Is Flat" but also the internationalization of technology, product diversification, market localization, personalized service created "the world's injustice.

We are now coming to see that economic globalization has come at a heavy price.

The economic globalization which is the wave tide of the revolution of world industry have "twoness".

With economic globalization and the deepening of regional economic integration, regional industrial cooperation has become an important part of regional economic development.

With the development of economic globalization, international industrial adjustment and transfer, the competition between cities is increasingly fierce.

As the main trend of economic globalization, the liberalization of trade has an increasingly great impact on the environment.

As an active participant in economic globalization, China will never engage in trade or investment protectionism.

Along with the economic globalization, taking the public good in anti-dumping system is significant trend of modern anti-dumping law, and is common feature of modern economic law.

  • economic conditions
  • economic activity
  • economic feasibility
  • economic welfare
  • economic indicators
  • economic impact payment
  • economic condition
  • economic growth is a path to
  • economic news
  • economic globalization
  • economic impact
  • economic recovery
  • economic value
  • economic decline
  • economic growth is a path




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