There are quality problems
Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification.───经检查,产品质量[品质]合格.
With poor quality tapes you could also risk dirtying the heads on your video recorder.───使用劣质磁带还有可能会污损你的录像机磁头。
Details of the drinking water quality in your locality can be obtained from the public register.───有关当地饮用水质量的详情,可从公共登记册上获知。
Sympathy is his best quality.───同情心是他最好的品质.
The quality of Smallbone furniture is unsurpassed.───斯莫尔本恩家具品质超凡。
I prefer quality to quantity.───我重质量胜过重数量.
In some works, flowers take on a powerful emblematic quality.───在一些作品中,花具有强烈的象征意义。
If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will undertake to replace them.───如果设备达不到议定的规格质量, 我们将负责调换.
There is a poetic quality to her playing.───她的演奏富有诗意。
This is high quality stuff.───这是高品质的东西。
Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.
The cassettes were of inferior quality.
Quality matters more than quanity.
He is a firm believer in total quality management.
The acting is of variable quality .
Who sets the standard for water quality?
Quality is better than quantity.
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The food was of such poor/low quality.
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- quality sleep
- premium quality
- better quality
- hygienic quality 7 little words
- axioms of equality
- quality control dept
- star quality
- sound quality
- redeemable quality
- over quality