移动; <非正>减轻,放松; 和缓; 散心
eased up───v.缓和;放松;减轻
eases up───放松
crease up───把……弄皱
chase up───追上
ease out───比较体面(不伤和气)地将…免职;打发走
tense up───紧张
ate up───吃光;耗尽;击垮
bade up───v.抬价
came up───走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出
He gave me a prescription and advised me to ease up on work.───他给我开了药方,劝我减轻工作.
Here, too, the president has chosen to ease up.───在那个位子很容易当选为总统.
Things will ease up a bit.───情况将会有所缓和.
Ease up, you're going too fast!───放慢点, 你们走得太快 啦 !
If the market cannot be trusted to ease up on property when it overheats, that leaves policymakers.───如果房地产市场过热,市场无法使其降温,政策制定者就要采取措施了。
Ask the children on the end to ease up ; some more people want to sit down.───让边上的孩子挪动一下, 还有人要坐.
The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.───给她吃了一片镇痛药后,她的疼痛开始减轻.
The situation should ease up now that the two sides are prepared to talk.───既然双方准备会谈,局势就应该缓和了.
Devouring Plague helps ease up a lot of the damage the warrior is putting out.───噬灵瘟疫能大幅减轻战士造成的伤害.
He told supporters not to ease up even though he's leading in the presidential race.───他告诉支持者们即使他在总统竞选中处于优势也不要松劲。
She tried to tell jokes in order ease up the atmosphere.───她尝试着讲笑话,好让气氛缓和下来.
The pain began to ease up.───疼痛开始缓解.
You should ease up on the child and stop scolding her.───你应该对那个孩子宽松些,不要再骂她了.
After about 20 minutes, the rain began to ease up.───20分钟后, 雨开始小起来.
His left leg can't ease up.───他的左腿不能移动了.
You should ease up on the boy and stop scolding him.───你对这男孩子应该宽容一点,别再骂他了.
I should ease up on the cigarettes if I were you.───我要是你,我就再少抽些烟了.
The situation should ease up now that the two countries are prepared to talk.───既然两国都准备谈判,形势就该缓和些了。
- eases pain
- easement by necessity
- eases up synonym
- ease out
- easement in gross