

词汇 driving off
释义 driving off
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draining off───渐渐枯竭;把…排出去;排除

drifting off───渐渐离去;漫无目的地移动;迷迷糊糊地睡去

drawing off───脱去;放掉;撤退;转移(注意力等)

driven off───赶走,击退

driving out───驱赶;开车外出

drying off───烘干,弄干

giving off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

hiving off───脱离编制;分出

living off───以…为食料;靠…生活;住在…之外


This same little girl is grown now, driving off every day to the community college.───这个小女孩已经长大,每天开车上社区学院。

He waited until they went inside the building before starting up the car and driving off.───他等他们走进那座楼之后才发动汽车开走了。

As soon as we saw him driving off, that's when we realized how real it was, 'Buddha' said.───当我们看着他远去,我们才意识到现实的残酷。”“佛陀”说道。

'Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel' is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying.───‘禁止犯罪,加油付款’对一个想要加了油就跑的犯罪分子可没有什么威慑力量。

One group started up a tank, drove it out of the gate, crushing the median of the main highway and driving off toward Tripoli.───一组士兵发动了一辆坦克,把它开出大门,把公路中央的隔离带压倒后向着的黎波里开去。

Driving off the side of the road, falling asleep at the wheel and crossing the center lines were the biggest causes identified.───其它几大事故原因包括离道驾驶,疲惫驾驶,跨越中心车道线等等。

A typical day would involve driving off-road to a small village and setting up the battery-driven equipment on a hot, dusty hillside.───典型的一天是这么开始的:驱车到外面的小村子,在炎热的小山上组装好电池驱动的装备。

Much of the land was grabbed by large agricultural speculators, often driving off families already farming there.───很多土地被大农业投机者夺走,常常还把已经在那里做工的农户赶走。

Golfers usually TEE the ball up on a small wooden or plastic keg before driving off.───打高尔夫球的人通常在击球前把球摆在一个木制或塑料制的小桩上。


Before driving off, they threatened to kill his wife and young daughter if he did not wait before raising the alarm.

Before driving off, they threatened to kill his wife and daughter if he did not wait before getting help.

The mutual assistance of harem owners in driving off non-reproductive males may be the basis of herd formation in the gelada baboon.

They posed briefly for photographs before driving off.

Neither resisted, but the man suddenly opened fire before driving off empty-handed.

He waited until they went inside the building before starting up the car and driving off.

Make sure the passengers are strapped in before driving off.

Before driving off the CCP central committee staff office to meet visits the room gate, fires at inquiry common people's both eyes with the laser blinding dizziness gun.

They sat there with the door open to let the temperature drop before driving off.

  • driving licences
  • driving lesson
  • driving car
  • driving forces of sports
  • driving skill
  • driving at
  • driving license
  • driving dancers
  • driving lessons




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