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词汇 dreamt up
释义 dreamt up
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dream up───设计;创造

dreams up───梦想成真

dreamed up───虚构的

dreaming up───幻想

beat up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

dream on───美梦继续(歌曲名)





One theory,dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,is that the rot sets in early.───在这个过去分词结构中又套了一个过去分词结构enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,说明所谓的all the spare time。

Climate Capsules, artists, designers and architects have dreamt up science-fiction-style solutions.───气候太空舱”展出了艺术家、设计师和建筑师设计出的科幻式解决办法。

The idea for the iPod, for example, was originally dreamt up by a consultant whom Apple hired to run the project.───譬如,iPod的创意最初源于一名咨询师,苹果于是聘用他负责整个项目。

It is vital to understand that this third finale is not a nightmare dreamt up by editorial writers.───最后一种结局并不是本刊社论作者臆想出的梦魇。理解这点至关紧要。

The problem is none of the mechanisms dreamt up to ensure that company leaders serve shareholder interests has worked.───为确保公司领导层能够维护股东利益所设计的那些机制,无一奏效。

One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early.───姓氏排在字母表末尾的人在闲暇时臆想出一套理论,说问题其实很早就开始了。

One of the more mischievous scenarios dreamt up by the intelligence analysts was entitled "A World Without the West" .───情报分析师们构想了另外一种情景,并称之为“没有西方的世界”,颇具恶搞性质。

True, he minimises the use of equations and has dreamt up some imaginative metaphors to help make complex notions more accessible.───诚然,他尽量避免谈及质能方程,并杜撰了一系列富有想象力的隐喻使得那些复杂的概念更易于理解。

The idea of a voice-coach for conference calls may sound like a gimmick dreamt up by HR people who don't know how to spend their budget.───聘请一个电话会议的“声音教练”听起来可能像一个不知如何花掉经费的人力部门想出来的花招。


Mr Lamont can forget about workfare or any other wheezes the Treasury may have dreamt up.

A more devious theory is that the whole red-mercury affair is simply a fantasy dreamt up to make Mr Rutskoi look foolish.

Had I dreamt up Mr Fry lolling there in the rectangle of the doorway?

Beam energy was dreamt up in the late 1970s by NASA Ames Research Center and the California Institute of Technology.

This is the latest ploy dreamt up by advertising companies to sell their new products.





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