

词汇 drag out
释义 drag out
drag out发音

把…拖[拉]出; (使)拖延; 挨


drags out───拖延

draw out───取出;拟订;拉长;导致

drag bunt───缩棒触击

drag hunt───拖拽狩猎

drawn out───抽出,拉长

draws out───取出;拟订;拉长;导致

dig out───掘出;发现


Let's not drag out this discussion; we need to reach a decision.───让这场讨论拖得太久,我们得作个决定。

I don't want to drag out this argument any furt ger.───我不想再就这场争论进一步拖长下去.

He drag out a miserable existence.───他过尽了可怜的生涯.

Emperor very angry, he call person any lift to tie up and drag out to behead.───皇帝非常生气, 他就叫人把阿凡提绑起来,拉出去杀头.

The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years.───公司愿意将诉讼拖上几年。

Iranians, he predicted, would attempt to “drag out negotiations ... while they continue to build up their enrichment capability”.───他预计伊朗人们将会试图”在谈判桌上实行拖延.并继续建立自己的浓缩(铀)能力.

When the rulers are displayed, you can drag out guides on to your document.───当统治者都显示, 您可以拖延指南到您的文件.

She is going to drag out the engagement, in the hope of making me relent.───她想把婚约拖下去, 打算这样来使我让步.

Nathan Hale would sooner die a hero than drag out an ignoble existence.───内森·黑尔宁愿死得英雄,也不愿苟且偷生.

They drag out the body and put it in the trunk of the car.───他们拖延机构并把它放在行李箱的车.

But all we said, not a word could we drag out of him.───但是,随我们说千说万, 都套不出他一句话来.

It's so annoying having to drag out the sewing machine every time I want to make a dress.───每次做衣服时我都得把缝纫机拉出来,真烦死人了.

However, the central bank warned the 18 - month housing slump could drag out.───然而, 美联储警告称,为期18个月的住宅市场低迷状况可能会持续下去.

Even if the south has no chance of winning the oil back, it may drag out legal proceedings to satisfy its hotheads at home.───即使南部已经没有机会再赢回油田,它也可以通过法律程序的拖延来抚慰过激的人。


The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years.

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