My father came to see me at school
The present Queen succeeded to the throne upon the death of her father.───当今的女王是在她父亲逝世时继位的.
Her father forbade the marriage.───她的父亲不允许这桩婚事。
In appearance, he was a little like his father.───他看起来有点像他的父亲.
The father opposed to his son's marriage.───父亲反对儿子的婚事.
His father was a drunken brute.───他父亲是个蛮横的醉鬼。
Your father takes on too much; he forgets he's not growing any younger.───你父亲太容易激动了, 他忘记自己已上了年纪.
Jane's father regards her fiance & 1 & with approval.───简的父亲对她的 未婚夫 感到满意.
Whenever a guest leaves, my father will show him to the door.───每当客人离开时, 我父亲都把客人送到门口.
He is the ( very ) image of his father.───他活象他的父亲.
The boy favo ( u ) rs his father .───这男孩很象 其父.
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- fatherless children
- about happy father
- father lasher
- letters from father christmas
- remembering my father
- father turned
- your father
- grandfather spider
- fathering autism haircut
- involving fathers