I prefer salads to donuts
I dare you to eat the that doughnut out of the garbage.───你敢吃那个从垃圾堆里拿出来的面包圈吗?
Each rectangle is a window that at the moment shows a realistically marbled doughnut.───每个矩形框都是一个窗口,此刻正显示着一幅逼真的大理石纹样环形图.
Don't you like a doughnut?───你不喜欢甜甜圈吗?
Would you'care for a doughnut, hot dog or hamburger?───您要不要炸圈饼, 热狗或汉堡包?
The optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist the hole!───乐观者看到的是油炸圈饼, 悲观者看到的是一个窟窿!
Lewis was allegedly robbing a doughnut shop Wednesday when Officer Chuck Cassidy interrupted.───刘易斯被指控星期三在蕉纳特商店进行抢劫时,警官查克卡塞迪赶来,匪徒用枪击中警官头部.
Imagine, by contrast, an elastic band that passes through the hole in a doughnut.───而相比之下, 试想一下橡皮圈若是与油炸圈饼相扣的话.
Doughnut hickey : Amercian term . See Hickey.───白环: 美国术语.
I'm a big soft jelly doughnut.───我是块巨大柔软的果冻圈.
Many developers feel EJB is like an extra layer of sugar syrup on a doughnut.───学多开发人员感觉EJB象一个油炸圈饼上多余的一层甜糖浆.
Grandmother would never eat a doughnut without first dunking it in her coffee.
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- battens doughnuts
- wagonload of doughnuts
- doughnut county
- dees doughnuts near centennial
- dunkin doughnuts
- doughnut glaze
- doughnut recipe
- doughnut dave
- doughnut shop
- doughnut operator