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词汇 disciplinary action
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[法] 纪律处分,惩戒处分



disciplinary actions───纪律处分;训练活动

disciplinary matter───惩戒事项

disciplinary hearing───纪律听证会



disciplinary body───纪律机构

disciplinary panel───纪律小组

military action───军事行动

disciplinary hearings───纪律听证会


The company plans to dock the officers'pay and is threatening disciplinary action.───公司打算扣减主管工资,并扬言要给与纪律处分.

Dave : Will there be any disciplinary action against any of the players?───戴福: 争吵的球员会不会受到纪律处分?

Failure to comply with the following rules will result in disciplinary action.───如果不遵守以下的条规,将会采取纪律行动.

Outstanding performance, during school has not been given any disciplinary action, physical and mental health.───成绩优秀, 在校期间未受过任何纪律处分, 身心健康.

The company will be taking disciplinary action against him.───公司将对他进行纪律惩罚。

Which of the following describes the disciplinary action most likely to be imposed by The IIA?───下面哪个最有可能表述内部审计师协会的纪律处罚?

Promote and enforce safety, and take disciplinary action when breaches of safe work practices occur.───加强安全管理,当发现发生违反安全操作规程时, 采取纪律惩戒.

But if the officer, who is attached to Sham Shui Po police station, is found to be responsible she may face disciplinary action, which could range from a simple warning to dismissal.───但是作为一个在深水涉警局任职的工作人员,如果被发现要对此类案件负责的话,她将会面对从警告到炒鱿鱼的纪律处分。

We all have to disciplinary action according to law.───我们必须根据校规施予纪律行动.

They will also face disciplinary action by the club and be banned from Stamford Bridge.───他们将受到俱乐部的惩罚,并被禁止进入斯坦福桥.

The Notice should include the nature of the offense and the reason for disciplinary action.───此一处分通知应包括违反纪律的内容性质,及采取纪律处分之理由.

He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways.───如果他们不改邪归正的话,他保证一定严惩不贷。

They feel that the teacher is also at fault and should face disciplinary action.───则主张涉及事件的教师,也有承担责任的必要,必须得到纪律处分.

He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways.───如果他们不改过自新的话,他已保证会严惩不贷。

The Notice should include the nature the offense and the reason for disciplinary action.───的内容性质,及采取纪律处分之理由.

On April 4, the ACC's executive committee met to consider disciplinary action against Dr. Leon.───四月4日, ACC执行机构开会讨论对于Leon博士的惩戒办法.

Failure to comply with any of the above Library Regulations will result in strict disciplinary action.───学生如违反图书馆规则或有任何不良行为等得受严厉处分.


The investigation led to disciplinary action against two officers.

The director faces disciplinary action .

He filed a request for disciplinary action against Burgess.

The company will be taking disciplinary action against him.

We may also consider taking disciplinary action.

He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways.

Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.

Squash Absent Cumings faces disciplinary action.

We will take disciplinary action against you screamers.





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