Comb comb
梳栉───Comb comb
Comb hair: comb backwards from the forehead to the back of head via the top, comb without too much force against the skin.───梳头:用木梳从前额至头顶部向后部梳刷,梳时不要用力过猛以防划破皮肤。
He explained: after he went to the temple, keeping to the temple, the monk explanation, comb can comb your hair, and let looks more beautiful.───他解释道:他到了庙里之后,一个劲地向庙里的和尚解释,梳子可以梳理头发,让仪态更加美观。
The frequency comb is generated by a laser that produces a series of veryshort, equally spaced pulses of light (like the teeth of a comb) across a broadspectrum of frequencies.───这个频率梳理装置由一束产生一系列非常短,空间上平均分布(就好象梳齿一样)、频率上广泛分布的光脉冲产生的。
comb Jenny likes to comb with the beautiful comb. comb.───詹妮喜欢用这把漂亮的梳子梳头。詹妮喜欢用这把漂亮的梳子梳头。
Comb, comb, comb your hair.───梳,梳,梳你的头发。
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