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词汇 ancient history
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ancient histories───西洋古代史;家喻户晓的故事

recent history───近代史

ancient city───古都

ancient wisdom───古代智慧

ancient wisdoms───古代智慧

secret history───秘史

ancient site───古遗址

art history───艺术史

cinema history───电影史


That business about joining the army is ancient history.───什么参军不参军那档子事早已被忘却了.

But all that is ancient history now.───但所有这一切都已成为久远的历史。

That seems like ancient history now.───那似乎已经成为古代的历史了。

He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.───他通晓中国古代史.

The tumult of a few days ago seemed like ancient history.───前几天的喧闹就像是古代历史一样.

His research fields are China's ancient history & culture , ancient character, bronzes study.───青铜器研究、较考古学 、 易经传溯源、帛佚籍与学术史.

She loved me once, but that's all ancient history now.───她曾经爱过我, 但现在已成往事.

I always thought ancient history was deadly Boring.───我一直认为古代史极其乏味.

Mr. Smith steeps himself in ancient history.───史密斯沉湎于古代史中.

What he said is already ancient history.───他所说的已成为历史了.

We will all have a course in ancient history this term.───这个学期我们都有一门古代史课程.

I like the forms and ceremonies, all the ancient history of our people.───我喜欢这些规矩和仪式, 以及我们这个民族古老的历史.

The lag of idea and methodology has limited research of ancient history at present.───传统史学观和方法论的滞后已成为制约当前史学研究深入展开的障碍.

Ancient history is on his agenda.───这一段古代史也在他的议事日程上。

It does not bother me now at all. It is all ancient history.───现在它丝毫不让我感到烦恼。它只不过是陈年老账。

It also combines modern travel with ancient history unlike anywhere else.───希腊不像其它地方,它同时将现代化的旅游方式和古老历史结合在一起.

But a visit to Athens is more than a lesson in ancient history.───但是,到雅典一游不只是去上一堂古代历史课.


She's doing a doctorate in ancient history.

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