挖掘; 挖走; 找出来; 匆匆地离开
digs out───掘出;发现
dug out───跑掉
pig out───狼吞虎咽地大吃;大吃特吃
rig out───vt.装配;装扮
wig out───激动;发狂
doing out───打扫;收拾
dying out───衰灭消失;衰灭死去
drag out───拖延
rig outs───vt.装配;装扮
Their customers are usually desperate to dig out from abysmal losses.───他们的客户一般都想从无底的亏损中解放出来.
Then, for food, the catchers dig out the rats and any grain stored in their burrows.───然后, 为了获得食物, 他们挖开鼠洞抓老鼠并获得老鼠在洞内储存了谷物.
Although the title was so simple, no one can loseconcentration to dig out the secret.───虽然课题很简单, 每个人都集中心思去挖掘秘密.
Yellow flesh father to dig out a piece of the bowl on.───爸爸把黄色的果肉挖出来,一块一块的放在碗里.
Dig out an old coloring book and color in a picture.───挖出一本泛黄老旧的图画书,给书中的画涂上颜色。
The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.───军队组织各队去挖出被困者,埋葬死者。
The catcher , the catchers dig out the rats and any grain store stored in their barollsburrows.───然后, 他们把老鼠和洞里储藏的粮食挖出来作为食物.
Dig out and burn infected canes.───把受感染的甘蔗挖出来烧掉。
Left: Dig out the people who was buried, Right: Original mural.───左图: 被火山灰砾掩埋的人物, 右图: 当时原始壁画.
Just record the surroundings around me by camera. Try dig out the impressive elements around us.───将生活周遭的种种透过相机记录下来, 试著去找出在我们身旁感动的元素.
We should dig out weeds before sowing seeds.───在播种前我们得先将杂草挖掉.
With coal shovel machines, people don't have to dig out coal shovel by shovel.───有了攉煤机, 再也不用人一铲子一铲子地挖煤了.
Wei also liked to dig out eels, catch frogs, and trap turtles.───魏也喜欢掘出鳝鱼, 捕捉青蛙, 诱捕乌龟.
If you want to keep your heart young, dig out your hiking boots.───要想葆青春, 穿靴徒步走.
Irregular code window. Arbitrary irregular painting dialog window, or even dig out the hole.───不规则窗口实现代码. 任意画的不规则对话框窗口, 甚至有抠的圆孔.
It's too slow for to dig out earth manually, so let's use the digging machine.───用人工挖土太慢了, 咱们还是使用挖土机吧.
We are expecting to dig out some important facts.───我们希望能找出一些重要的事实.
He sent Mat Penniman to the recorder's office dig out the names of the owners houses.───他派马特·彭尼曼到登记处去打听房主姓名.
Do not try to cut or dig out the curving toenail.───不要试图自己减或者把弯曲的指甲挖出来.
It took me too long to dig out how those sons of bitches did it.───我花了好久才探清那些狗娘养的是怎样干的.
In June I dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese.───在六月份我就翻出了短裤,结果却发现我的大腿就像白软干酪似的.
And bring any information that Shirley has been able to dig out about Global.───如果雪莉收集到关于全球公司的任何情况,也一起带来.
Why did you dig out all these old magazines?───你把这些旧杂志翻出来做 什么 ?
Main Ways to Dig out Math Problem and Basic Methods: To Research Math ( II )───发现数学问题的主要途径与数学研究的基本方法 ( 下 )
With the basic principle of rough set, customers dig out the decision rules they wanted.───利用粗糙集理论的基本原理, 挖掘出用户需要的决策规则.
You should go dig out the Frisbee.───你应该把飞盘找出来.
Dig out the clumps of roots and divide them into smaller portions to replant.───把大团的根茎挖出来,把它们分成小块然后种植.
Rescuers are working to dig out those trapped in rubble.───救援人员正在努力挖掘,救助被困在倒塌楼房和瓦砾中的灾民。
Dig out your list of favorite activities, those things just love to do.───列举出你最爱的活动, 这些事情都是你喜爱做的.
I always have the ability to dig out something that are buried in oblivion.───我总是能用一眼的时间发现被遗忘在角落里的物事.
On narrative discourse, the existing classification dig out the profound implication imbedded in every genre.───在叙事话语类型上则借鉴前人已有的分类,试图分析每个话语类型背后的深意所在.
Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift.
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