Not proved
I hope you will prove adequate to the job.───我希望你证明能胜位这项工作.
Relegation to the Third Division would prove catastrophic.───降到丙级将是灾难性的。
It is only on the world market that we can prove the competitiveness and quality of our goods.───只有在世界市场上我们才能证明自身商品的竞争力和质量。
If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyer's cases.───如果某人不善于详细查看事物, 仅限于用一事物去和另一事物对比、解释的话, 就让他去见识见识律师怎么办案子.
There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors.───人们担心冻结银行账户可能会长期阻碍投资。
They must prove they own £250,000 of realisable assets.───他们必须证明拥有25万英镑的可变现财产。
Without corroboration from forensic tests, it will be difficult to prove that the suspect is guilty.───没有法医化验的确证就很难证明嫌疑犯有罪.
They hope the new drug will prove especially efficacious in the relief of pain.───他们希望这种新药能在缓解疼痛方面产生特效。
Tax-cutting proposals could prove irresistible to lawmakers.
If she gets ill again it could prove fatal.
It is impossible to prove the existence of God.
Prove thy friends ere thou have need.
You're wrong, and I can prove it.
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