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词汇 shape
释义 shapeUK:*'shape', 'SHAPE': /ˈʃeɪp/US:/ʃeɪp/ ,(shāp)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: SHAPE主要翻译 shape n (physical form)外形;样子The candy was in the shape of an egg.这颗糖的外形像鸡蛋。
 shape n (figure, polygon, etc.)形状The children were learning to draw simple shapes like triangles and squares.孩子们学习绘制三角形和正方形等简单图形。 shape n informal, figurative (condition) (事物)状况, 情况That house we saw was in bad shape. It needs a lot of repair.我们见到的那栋房子状况很差,需要大修。 shape n ([sb]: fitness)健康情况;身体状况Yes, he is in good shape because he runs and goes to the gym.是的,由于跑步和去健身房的原因,他身体状况良好。 shape [sth] vtr (form, mould)使成形;将...塑造成He shaped the clay to form a pot.他把黏土捏成了一个罐子。 其他翻译 shape n (ghost)幽灵;鬼魂This shape emerged from the wall and started speaking to me.幽灵从墙里出现,开始跟我说话。 shape n (person: figure) (女子)形体,身段,身材Yes, she has a nice shape.没错,她身材很好。 shape [sth] vtr (adapt)使成...形状The cook shaped the plastic wrap to fit the bowl. shape [sth] vtr (determine, influence)决定;对...有影响The new boss shaped the way things were done so that the company was more efficient. 动词短语shape | SHAPE shape up vi phrasal informal (get fit)变健康;改良健康状况Going to the gym regularly helped Alice shape up for the marathon.有规律地去健身房健身,帮助爱丽丝改良健康状况以应对马拉松。 shape up vi phrasal informal, figurative (improve performance)改进表现Hey boys! Better shape up or you'll be shipping out.小伙子们!最好改进表现,不然就会被淘汰。 shape up vi phrasal informal, figurative (develop)进展(良好)Our sales are shaping up nicely: we'll soon be showing a profit again.我们的销售情况进展良好,我们很快就又能创收了。 复合形式:shape | SHAPE get back in shape v expr informal (regain fitness)(通过锻炼)恢复体形;恢复身材I bought a gym membership to get back in shape. get bent out of shape, be bent out of shape v expr US, figurative, slang (be resentful, angry)怒发冲冠;气到变形;怒不可遏 get bent out of shape, be bent out of shape v expr US, figurative, slang (be agitated, upset) (俚语)怒不可遏;极度愤怒 get in shape v expr informal (exercise)练好身材I need to get in shape before the summer bathing suit season starts. get [sth] in shape v expr informal (get [sth] functioning well)使…运转良好The crew had to get the car in shape for the final day of the rally. good shape n informal (physically fit condition)身体状态好He's in good shape for a 70-year-old. heart shape n (symbol: decorative, romantic)心形 in fine shape adv informal (in good condition)状况良好;状态不错Gerard's in fine shape since he lost ten pounds.杰勒德瘦了十磅后身体状况良好。 in good shape adj informal (person: fit, healthy)身体好的;健康的One must exercise regularly to stay in good shape. in good shape adj informal (not damaged or worn)完好的;状况良好的If the car's still in good shape you can sell it for nearly as much as you paid for it new. in shape adj informal (person: physically fit)形状上;体格健壮;体格健壮Firefighters have to be in shape because their work is physically demanding. in the shape of [sth] prep (having the form of)呈现...的形状;以...的形式 make the shape of [sth] v expr (form)变成…的形状The clouds made the shape of a crocodile. out of shape adj informal (person: unfit)健康状况不佳的;走样的;走形的When I started this dance class, I was really out of shape.I'm so out of shape, I can't even climb one flight of stairs. shape-shifter n (mythical animal, person)变形人;变形动物 shape-shifting adj (able to change shape)变形的,可变形的 stay in shape v expr informal (keep fit)保持体形Exercising will help you stay in shape. take shape v expr figurative (develop)成形;形成His ideas are finally starting to take shape. take the shape of [sth] v expr (assume the form of)呈…形状;以某种形式出现




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