There is green grass
They are commonly adapted to either woodland habitats, often montane, or sometimes to grassland habitats.───它们通常适合于任何树林, 往往山地, 或有时草原栖息地.
On the grassland, it may be fine and sunny one moment , then almost immediately heavy wind and storm may come down on you like winking.───在草原上,一会儿晴空万里,阳光灿烂, 但转瞬间, 又会刮起狂风暴雨.
One day a demon chief called Mang Gusi abducted HuLun and dried up the grassland.───有一天,一个叫莽古思首席恶魔绑架呼伦贝尔草原和干涸.
There is a reach of grassland in the distance.───远处是连绵一片的草原.
In the aspect of environment destroy the plant, sandy grassland, saline soil.───在生态环境方面草原植被破坏严重, 草原沙化,草场退化, 土地盐碱化.
A lebbeck tree is planted at the grassland outside the Adam Schall Residence at United College.───在联合书院汤若望宿舍外的草地上种植了这颗大叶合欢.
After days of walking on, the grassland changed into a road.───经过多天的践踏, 草地变成一条路.
In the spacecraft through the dense atmosphere, in capsule landed safely in central Inner Mongolia grassland.───在飞船返回舱穿越稠密的大气层后, 返回舱在内蒙古中部草原成功着陆.
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- sweet grassland
- stretching grassland