I did exercise yesterday
Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.───运动是绝对的,而静止是相对的.
They set the machinery in motion.───他们将机器开动起来。
Each motion must be delicate and precise, involving tiny movements.───每一个动作都必须小心、准确,一点点地移动。
She could feel the rolling motion of the ship under her feet.───她能感觉到脚下船在晃动.
Twelve men voted for the motion and three against it.───12人投票赞成这个动议,3人反对.
In a single effortless motion, he scooped Frannie into his arms.───他一下子就轻松地把弗兰尼拥入怀里。
This can be seen easily with the benefit of slow motion video playback.───借助于慢镜头的回放,可以很容易地看清楚这个过程。
The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.───提案以压倒多数通过.
He suppressed a wince as motion renewed the pain.───他一动之下又疼了起来,但他强忍着没有皱眉。
The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.───大会正在就提议进行辩论,稍后将就此表决。
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- retrograde motion
- motioned with
- motion blur
- promotional pricing
- indifferent emotion
- locomotion trains
- commercial promotion
- bandanna promotions
- fruit emotions
- emotional reaction