be versed in both polite letters and martial arts
Zen meditation are advocated, and the Shaolin martial arts, however, and into the realm of Zen, a Yichi, Wenwu anywhere the world!───禅宗是主张坐禅的,而少林却将武术化进了禅的境界,一张一弛,文武独步天下!
Wenwu, 10, the pudgy-cheeked kid at the top right, has stitches in his head from an injury sustained when his elementary in Beichaun collapsed.───姚文武,10岁,照片里右后方的胖小子,在北川的小学倒塌时砸伤了头,还缝了针。
Several methods have been used for the reserves and yield calculation in blocks of Qiudong, Mideng, Wenwu, Wenba, Wenxiyi and Hongtai.───采用多种方法对丘东、米登、温五、温八、温西一、红台区块各气井进行储量计算和产量预测。
One of the most attractive is the south side of chanzhutan qinglong Buddhism temple and tam north ridge wenwu temple.───其中最引人的是潭南青龙山麓的玄奘寺和潭北山腰的文武庙。
We are from all over the country. It is Mulanshan Wenwu School that let us be together. We feel unparalleled proud.───我们来自全国各地,是木兰山文武学校让我们走到一起,我们感到无比的骄傲和自豪。
Gas injection immiscible displacement has been selected to improve recovery efficiency in Wenwu block of Tuba oilfield.───温五区块是吐哈油田利用注气非混相驱提高采收率的试验区块。
It named the captains as Wang Fugui, 26, and Zheng Wenwu, 35, and said each of the ships had 17 Chinese citizens on board in total.───报告称船长为王富贵,26岁,和郑文武35岁,并称每条船上总共有17名中国公民。
Ding Wenwu, Deputy Director of Department of Electronic and IT Products, Ministry of Information Industry───丁文武,信息产业部电子产品管理司副司长
Catalogue of the Antique Chinese Maps collected in library of Congress, Beijing, Wenwu publishing House, 2004.
- 文武全才用英语怎么说