deep pocket───资产;财富,财源
hip pockets───(裤子或裙子)后袋
vest pockets───背心口袋
besom pockets───镶边内部口袋
dames rockets───火箭夫人
dyers rockets───戴尔火箭
air pockets───(大气中使汽机突然下跌的)气陷,气穴;气泡;滤气器(airpocket的复数形式)
He , probably wisely, decided to avoid involvement in a bidding war against an opponent with deep - pockets.───之前默多克还未决定是否做为“白衣骑士”从微软的魔爪下拯救雅虎.
A patron of the arts should have deep pockets.───艺术赞助商应当很富有.
Microsoft's deep pockets keep AOL from dial - up domination.───相反,微软的雄厚资金阻止了AOL独霸 拨号 上网业务.
The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets.───流浪汉从深口袋里掏出了一截蜡烛。
The church will do anything to avoid scandal – and everyone knows it has deep pockets.───教会将不惜一切来避开丑闻–大家都知道它有的是钱。
Only those with deep pockets, however, could afford the $25,000 cost of each device.───不过,只有那些家财万贯的人才能买得起每台价值25,000美元的计算机。
He has deep pockets.───他很有钱。
You can win anything if you have very deep pockets.───财大气粗总能打赢官司.
Your gum line is receding. There are deep pockets in your gums.───你的牙龈萎缩. 有很深的牙囊.
Companies with deep pockets can afford steep penalties.───财力雄厚的公司能够支付得起巨额罚款.
The camel's humps hold fat and its stomach holds water in twelve deep pockets.───骆驼的驼峰有大量的脂肪,它的胃将水储存在十二个像口袋一样的器官里.
For those with strong nerves and deep pockets, Berlin's property market looks attractive.
Wick has the horses, and the deep pockets to pay them.
I felt something in one of the deep pockets.
Others were in lidded baskets until it was their turn; more tied in sacks; a few buttoned into deep pockets.
Even those who want nothing are still using their deep pockets to promote the party of their choice.
For investors with deep pockets , the Berlin property market is attractive.
The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets.
The Foundation is reputed to have very deep pockets .
They're looking for someone with deep pockets to pay for the research.
- deep rock
- deep hug
- deep fear
- deep music
- deep from
- deepening shadows
- deepness in the sky
- deep down low
- deep freezer
- deepness syn
- deep wrinkle
- deep structure
- deep brown
- deepen voice permanently
- deepen voice
- deep south
- deepens syn
- deep dowgone
- deep y
- deepens the
- deep cleansing balm