dating services───约会服务
dating agencies───婚介所
dating service───约会服务
camping sites───野营地点(campingsite的复数)
dating bars───约会酒吧
dining room suites───餐厅套房
active sites───活性位;有效部位;活性部位群
dating back───提前填日期
dating bar───约会酒吧
Every day, I receive a dozen or so emails from the dating websites that I'm a member of.───每天,我从订制的网站上收获一打或者更多的邮件。
But online dating websites are not the only players angling for a piece of this booming business.───但是,婚恋交友网站并不是这个朝阳产业中唯一的玩家。
Not only have dating websites changed both on the inside and outside, but more choices are available as demand increases.───不仅仅是交友网站从内到外的变化,随着需求的增长选择也随之增加。
Dating websites are now awash with women stipulating that hopefuls must come with a residence (and often a set of wheels) in tow.───交友网站现在充斥着候选人的规定,必须拿出一个住宅(通常是一个车轮载拖车)的妇女。
With yet another one of my relationships in the toilet, I find myself back on the internet dating websites.───随着我的又一段恋情泡了汤,我重新打开了网络交友网站。
Days ahead of the Qixi Festival, dating websites have earned page views and ad revenues by promoting blind dates for singles.───早在七夕之前几天,各类相亲网站上演各类“速配”节目,点击量、广告商由此倍增。
Many dating websites are fronts for crimes, prostitution and one-night stands.───许多约会网站充斥着犯罪,淫秽,和一夜情。
Most dating websites are nothing like as harsh and judgmental as HatefulBastards, although fussy categorisation does seem to be the name of the game with many.
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- dating websites