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词汇 dark side
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dark shade───深色阴影

board side───n.船舷



dark ad───黑暗广告

dark ads───黑暗的广告

dark age───黑暗时代

dark star───[天]暗星

dark suit───深色的西装;深色西服(电视剧名,DarkSuit)


Our struggle also had its dark side.───我们的这场斗争也有它的阴暗面.

The two of you brought them all over to the dark side?───你们两个怎么把大家都给带坏了?

Our dark side is not as bad as we think it is.───我们的暗面也不如我们想像的那样坏.

But all this has a dark side.───然而这一切都有其阴暗面。

Seemingly harmless technologies such as telecommunications also have their dark side.───表面看似无害的科技,诸如电子传播媒体,同样也有其黑暗的一面.

They chose to ignore his dark side.───他们偏不去注意他的阴暗面.

Just trapped in castle of dark side of moon.───她们被幽禁在背离月光的黑暗城堡中.

Now you will experience the full power of the dark side.───现在让你将感受一下黑暗原力的力量!

Tom Sawyer, it was noted, virtually omitted the dark side of life.───已经提到, 《汤姆·索耶》实际上回避了生活的黑暗面.

Spacecraft have taken many pictures of the dark side.───飞船已经拍了许多黑暗面的照片。

Frustration predisposes him to look on the dark side of things.───挫折使他遇事只看其阴暗面.

Don't look at the dark side of things.───不要以悲观的态度观察事物.

Adjust the gradient so the dark side is on the bottom left.───调整梯度,使黑暗的一面是对左下角.

You became the light on the dark side of me.───而你,则成为我黑暗内心的中的那盏明灯.

The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.───若对[失去]有所恐惧,将成为通往黑暗势力的途径.

You always look on the dark side of things, ie are always pessimistic.───你总是着眼于事物的黑暗面(总是悲观).

There's a dark side to Jay's character.───杰伊的性格中有阴险的一面.

dark side of reflexology.───足底按摩界的黑暗面。


The dark side gets plenty of air time as it is.

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.

Don't look at the dark side of things.

Underwire EconomiesThe dark side: the informal economy booms.

Art which confronts the tragic and dark side of life can, paradoxically, have a regenerative effect.

Clare McHugh has been seduced by the dark side.

The austere and dark side of the future lay in front of him.

This, indeed, was the dark side of an economic success which in other respects was undeniably energetic and spectacular.

Battles bring hopelessness, fear, and dark side and gruesomeness.

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