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n.美国印地安人( American Indian的名词复数 )


American Indians───美国印第安人

American Indian───美洲印第安人

American ipecacs───美洲吐根

American ivies───美国常春藤

American organs───美国器官

American plans───美国式劳资交涉法;美国式收费制

American widgeons───美国寡妇

Pan American Unions───泛美联盟

American Empires───美国帝国


American Indians make up about five percent of the population of America.───美国印第安人大约占美国人口总数的5%。

The hatchet was a weapon used by American Indians.───战斧是印第安人打仗用的武器.

North American Indians lived in tents.───过去,印第安人住帐篷.

Maize is also called Indian corn because it was first grown by the American Indians.───因为玉米是美洲印第安人首先种植的,所以又叫做印地安玉米.

American Indians thought the bones came from giant snakes.───美洲印第安人认为这些骨头来自巨大的蛇.

popped corn a long time ago. The Indians knew there were three kinds of corn.───知道一共有三种玉米,分别是可以食用的甜玉米、给动物吃的玉米和爆爆米花的玉米。

The physicaldestruction and dislocation of American Indians in the 19 thcentury may be known to most non - Indians.───大多数 非 印第安人也许了解19世纪对美洲印第安人身体的摧残和驱逐.

Most of these workers are American Indians living on reservations.───这些工人中的大多数是住在居留地的美洲印第安人.

EG : The American Indians referred to salt as magic white sand.───美洲印第安人把盐称为魔力白沙.

The North American Indians used to make totem poles.───北美印第安人过去常建造图腾柱.

Native American Indians generally never wrote, directed or acted the leading part in movies.───而且,美洲土著印第安人通常都不会担任编剧 、 导演或在影片中扮演主要角色.

In the tropical forests the American Indians became hunters of birds and small game.───在热带森林里美洲印第安人成了捕取鸟类和小动物的猎人.

They also thanked the Native American Indians who lived in the area.───他们也感谢住在当地的印第安土著人.

American Indians are the only humans living in this land.───片中美洲印地安人是居住在这块土地上唯一的人类.

Lacrosse is a fast-moving sport, the modern version of a game played by American Indians.───长曲棍球是一项快速移动的运动,它是一种印第安土著游戏的现代版本。

Some of the American Indians lived by hunting for their food.───有些美洲印第安人以狩猎为生.


Most of these workers are American Indians living on reservations.

He believed the Native American Indians were people of great worth.

Some South American Indians use poison darts for hunting.

Today there are about 900,000 American Indians.

Native American Indians used to name their children after the first thing they saw as they left their tepees subsequent to the birth. Hence such strange names as Sitting Bull and Running Water.

The physicaldestruction and dislocation of American Indians in the 19 thcentury may be known to most non - Indians.

The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years.

The largest tribe of American Indians lives on a 6,000,000-hectarepatch of desert and scrub brush that covers much of northern Arizona and New Mexico.

In California, American Indians first fished for abalone.

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