

词汇 cut across
释义 cut across
cut across发音


抄近路穿过; 遮断; 打断; 与…相抵触


cuts across───抄近路通过;径直穿过;打断

put across───v.圆满完成;使被接受;解释清楚

puts across───v.圆满完成;使被接受;解释清楚

get across───vi.通过;使...被理解

got across───(使)越过;(使)横穿马路;(使)被了解;让…听懂(getacross的过去式和过去分词)

run across───偶然遇到;跑着穿过

to cut across───横穿

came across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象

come across───v.偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;给人…印象


You can take a short cut across the field.───你可以抄近道从田里穿过去。

I usually cut across the park on my way home.───我回家常抄近路,打公园里头走。

We may as well cut across the playground.───我们不妨从运动场上横穿过去.

His ideas cut across mine on the subject.───在这个问题上他的想法和我的不一致.

My own accidental cut across the knuckles was a flea - bite.───我指关节上的意外刀伤根本算不了什么.

There is a short cut across the field.───从地里穿过去是条近路.

In order not to be late, she cut across the fields.───为了不迟到, 她抄近路穿过田野.

An urgent shout cut across the camp clearing.───一声急促的喊声划破了山庄的宁静.

These buildings cut across our view.───这几幢建筑物挡住了我们的视线.

He decided to cut across the Heath, through Greenwich Park.───他决定抄近路走格林尼治公园穿过希思区。

He cut across the fields so as not to be late.───为了不迟到,他抄近路穿过田地.

The motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs.───汽艇穿过激流,绕过险滩.

I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home.───于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家.

Instead of the answer he demanded, that inexplicable counterinfluence cut across the current of his thought.───然而,岔断他的思潮的可不是他祈求的那个“回音”, 而是那股不可思议的反对势力.

Her loud voice cut across the conversation.───她大嚷大叫,打断了这次谈话.

We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion.───我们要超越种族、性别和宗教的界限。

Roll deposits cut across sandstone bedding.───卷型矿床切穿砂岩的层理.

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