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词汇 floated down
释义 floated down
floated down发音




loaded down───使负担过重

closed down───(工厂、企业等)停业;(电台)停止播放;(雾等)笼罩(closedown的过去式与过去分词)

faced down───以自信的神色使人窘迫

flagged down───打信号使停下

floated off───浮起;漂浮

letted down───失望

load down───使负担过重

looked down───俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人;看跌

noted down───记录某事


Rafts floated down the river.───木筏顺水漂浮。

She floated down the steps to greet us.───她轻盈地下楼来迎接我们。

The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down.───雪花静悄悄地轻轻飘落下来。

All kiosks up by the wind, they were all kiosks deciduous floated down to the Montreal golden.───亭外起了风,亭外一片片落叶飘落了满地的金黄。

she sang merrily as she floated down the stream, away, far way out of reach of the ugly old toad and her ugly son.───自由啦,自由啦,她一边顺着河漂流一边愉快地唱歌,越漂越远,漂到癞蛤蟆够不着她的地方。

I did not know when I stared to wander. It seemed as if my velamen had been pulled out and floated down along a branch of the river.───我并未察觉到我开始漂荡,彷佛我的根被拔了起来,彷佛我沿著一条河的支流往下漂。

It served as a nice camouflage for the boat. We floated down through the canyon for hours until we finally stopped.───我们顺流直下,漂了几个小时才穿过大峡谷,最后船停了。

A feather floated down on the wind.───一根羽毛随风飘落。

By the mid-1600s Russians had reached the Sea of Okhotsk, floated down the Amur and passed through the strait dividing Asia from America.───而到了17世纪中叶,俄国人就已经顺黑龙江漂流而下,到达鄂霍次克海,还通过了分隔亚洲和美洲的白令海峡。


A gull floated down to the balcony rail, his shadow an enormous presence beating about the room.

The forms on the ceiling floated down and prowled around her.

It floated down to the threadbare navy-blue carpet, some settling on the bedroom slippers she wore.

Dust floated down from the ceiling and the lights flickered.

A feather floated down on the wind.

The logs were knocked together as they floated down the stream.

The logs are trimmed and then floated down the river.

She floated down the steps to greet us.

Just a few of them floated down on to the lino.

  • floated pin
  • floated back into sleep
  • floated up
  • floated down
  • floated downriver crossword clue




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