I'm going to eat seafood
Exhibits will range from seafood products, storage, handling , processing, ingredients to packaging and quality control.───展品范围从水产品 、 贮藏 、 加工 、 处理 、 配料一直到包装和质量控制.
Special Recommendation: black mustard cucumber, fish head clay pot , crab with salmon seafood noodle.───特色推荐: 芥末黄瓜 、 鱼头煲 、 蟹子三文鱼海面.
She has an allergy to seafood.───她对海鲜有种过敏反应.
Cocktail fork: seafood or fruit cocktail, lobster, and for sering pickles or olies.───开胃食品餐叉: 吃海鲜、开胃水果 、 龙虾时用, 吃泡菜、橄榄的时候也可以用它.
Serve it chilled to any salad and seafood dishes.───冰镇饮用,可以与色拉或者海鲜等食物搭配.
Merrily welcomes A treat for seafood lovers with its tuna filling and nori seaweed flakes topping.───“美丽”带来了鲔鱼馅和海苔片,在此热烈欢迎各国选手!
A crustacean seafood, in the use of water before cooking scrub clean its shell.───有甲壳的海鲜, 在烹调之前要用清水将其外壳刷洗干净.
Precooked seafood is not recommended.───不要用煮熟的海鲜.
We were treated to a slap-up meal with every kind of seafood imaginable.
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- 一家海鲜餐厅用英语怎么说
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- 各式海鲜用英语怎么说
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- 他在哪里买海鲜用英语怎么说
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- 我将要吃海鲜用英语怎么说
- 各种海鲜用英语怎么说
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