

词汇 我在吃炸薯条用英语怎么说
释义 我在吃炸薯条用英语怎么说

I'm eating french fries


炸薯条───french fries


French fries are one of the most popular potato foods in America.───炸薯条是美国最受欢迎的马铃薯食品之一。

And a cheeseburger, medium rare, with onion and French fries.───一份芝士汉堡五分熟, 带葱头和炸薯条.

I'd like a hamburger and French fries , please.───请给我一份汉堡包和炸薯条.

With French fries and a mixed salad on the side.───还有炸薯条,同时再上一份沙拉.

Oh, I'm quite fed up with French Fries and hamburgers.───噢, 我已经吃腻了炸薯条和汉堡包.

Do you think that French fries are really French?───你认为炸薯条真的是法国的吗?

Do ropes have anything to do with my hamburger and french fries?───诀窍和我的汉堡及油炸马铃薯有任何关系 吗 ?

Back then I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.───那时我一顿能吃下三四个汉堡和一大堆炸薯条。

They come with French fries and crisp green salad.───它们与炸薯条和新鲜色拉搁在一起出售.

I like to think back to high school, when I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.───我喜欢回想高中时,那时我可以一气吞下三四个汉堡和一大堆炸薯条。


Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year.

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