IL Reform and other Bank initiatives.───投资贷款体制改革与世行其他计划。
you have any other bank mortgage loans?───你有没有其他银行按揭贷款?
If only other bank bosses could say the same.───如果其他银行老板也能这样说就好了。
Under any of these alternatives, the central bank would be behaving like any other bank, creating money in the act of lending.───在以上任何一种情形下,中央银行的行为方式都会像其他银行一样,通过发放贷款制造货币。
The colonel, with several of his men, swam across the river and with difficulty clambered up the other bank.───上校和几个人游过了河,艰难地爬上对岸。
The bank will redeem the check-either with cash or with a check that some other bank will accept.───该银行会以现金,或以另一个银行能接受的支票来偿付该支票。
"The Banco di San Giorgio was a far more sophisticated institution than any other bank. That's why people trusted it. "───“比起其他银行,圣乔治银行要复杂得多。这也是人们信任它的原因。”
If this is a true currency union, a deposit in any eurozone bank must be the equivalent of a deposit in any other bank.───如果它是一个真正的货币联盟,那么欧元区任何一家银行的存款必然应该与该地区其它银行的存款等值。
Trying to build when every other bank is trying to dismantle looks perverse.───在其它银行试图拆分之时进行建设似乎有悖常情。
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