

词汇 other direction
释义 other direction
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clear direction───明确方向

give direction───指明方向;给出方向;指路


new direction───新方向


stage direction───n.(剧本中的)舞台指示;导演

general direction───大方向

future direction───未来方向

stage directions───舞台方位;舞台指示;舞台指导(stagedirection的复数)


It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.───它驶入了逆行车道,撞上了一辆迎面开来的车。

You deliberately went in the other direction.───你故意朝另一个方向走了。

All the other buses are going the other direction.───其它所有的车都去另外一个方向。

But if it had been following the odor plume, it would have come in from the other direction.───但是如果我们跟踪这气味痕迹,它可能会来自另外一个方向。

I backed up and went the other direction, to be honest with you.───诚实地说我换方向退后了。

So they turned round and began to go back in the other direction, on the road into the swamp.───他们转身从另一个方向往回走,他们走在通往沼泽的路上。

If one of them could give up the custom of trailing and went other direction to look for food, they could avoid the tragedy.───如果有一个毛毛虫破除尾随的习惯向其它方向爬行觅食,就可以避免惨剧发生。

Facebook may have been easy for a young, talented creator to produce, but Jones fears the general trend is in the other direction.───对于一位年轻且才华横溢的创新者而言,创建Facebook或许本来就是件轻而易举的事情。但琼斯担心,总体趋势是相反的。

But international opinion, which had shifted behind the U. S. and left Saddam isolated and open to attack, now swung in the other direction.───但是,国际上的观点,由支持美国,孤立萨达姆使其暴露于攻击下转变成倾向于另外一个方向。


Drivers coming from the other direction raised a hand to thank me for allowing them to pass.

You deliberately went in the other direction.

In the other direction countless stations throughout the world were the distribution points for manufactured goods.

It had gone on to the wrong side of the road and hit a car coming in the other direction.

She drove off in the other direction.

Enroute they passed a motorcade racing the other direction carrying Bush to join Reagan at convention hall and accept the nomination.

Take the number bus going in the other direction. There's a stop right across the street.

In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.

When he saw me, he took off in the other direction.

  • other then
  • other way
  • otherwise in a sentence
  • otherwise than
  • other lily
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  • otherwise definition
  • other woman
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  • others define
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  • other options
  • other here for you
  • other fruit
  • other name
  • others other the other another
  • other wife
  • other animals
  • others magazine
  • other direction




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