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词汇 current flowing
释义 current flowing
current flowing发音



current flow───电流

current rating───[电]额定电流;电流额定值

current law───[法]现行法律

current favourite───当前最爱

current knowledge───现有知识

currency trading───货币交易

current efficiency───[冶]电流效率

cult following───狂热粉丝;死忠粉丝;崇拜者

currant loaf───加仑子面包


direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction.───直流电是总是沿同一方向流动的电流。

All the current flowing in the circuit must pass through the ammeter.───所有流过电路的电流必须流过电流表。

current flowing in one direction is called direct current .───一个方向流动的电流叫做直流电。

Figure induction coil surface hardening of medium frequency current flowing through the great but will heat the surface of the workpiece.───表面淬火如图感应线圈流过很大的中频电流而将工件表面加热。

Conjuring up the fishy smell in her memory, she felt a gentle fragrant sweet current flowing in her heart.───再细品那记忆里的鱼腥味,只觉一缕香香的甜甜的柔情漫过心田。

Even though the sky was gloomy, I felt a brilliant radiance inside and a warm current flowing through my body.───即使天气那么阴沈,我的内在却光芒万丈,全身充满暖流。

The resistor, which the driver could adjust with a knob, controlled the rate of current flowing into the capacitor.───电阻器可以由旋钮调节,其本身可以控制进入电容器的电流速率。

Any offset current flowing through a high impedance device will cause an unwanted voltage to appear across the device.───通过高阻装置的任何偏移电流都会导致装置两端出现不希望的电压。

It should be noted that the DC transmission system does not contribute to the fault current flowing in the AC system5 during the AC faults.───应注意到,直流输电系统并不会增加交流系统故障时的故障电流。


Measure the current flowing in the wire.

The measuring unit measures a current flowing in each phase, and determines a time point where current flowing in one of the phases becomes zero as a reference time point.

Normally, the current flowing in a circuit is measured by connecting an ammeter into the circuit.

There is no current flowing through any node(or antinode. ), but the current density changes periodically with time at other places.

The oscillatory current flowing in the coil produces an oscillating magnetic field.

The current flowing in one direction is called direct current.

One of the projects close to commercial realisation uses optical fibre to sense a current flowing in a conductor.

The current flowing in the system is measured.

All the current flowing in the circuit must pass through the ammeter.

  • currently definition
  • current major
  • current elliott
  • currently unavailable
  • current deposit
  • current medical science
  • currentness def
  • current eye research
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  • current climate
  • current standard
  • current account
  • current view
  • current topics
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  • current situation
  • currently experiencing high network
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